Warrior DPS in M+ needs help

We got nerfed exclusively because of Raid performance, meanwhile Arms is the 2nd worst spec the only one that’s worse is BM Hunter, and Fury is in the bottom 1/3 of specs. Please do not let this be a repeat of DF where we get changes only for raid and our M+ performance is left to rot while we’re consistently one of the worst M+ classes, especially for DPS. Meanwhile Warlocks get massive buffs over and over again despite being good in raid and incredible in M+ every expack. Shadow Pries just got buffed by a flat 4% despite being better than both Warrior DPS specs in M+. Please give us something, I really don’t want another expack of being unable to pug even though I have good IO and iLvl because no one wants a Warrior DPS.


What are you even referencing to? What is the source that’s caused you to go Chicken Little on these forums?

Warrior DPS specs are still more than fine in M+, tier lists by some halfwit are not a solid indicator at all of performance.

Arms does very well in keys from my own experience through Colossus. Even beats those ‘meta’ specs on overall throughput in a key, and has really solid burst when it comes to bosses with dmg amp windows (tears arguably the first and hardest boss in mists a new one which is a runkiller moreso than the rest of the dungeon).

Try and focus more on finding like minded people to key with as opposed to pugging, you’ll have a much better time.


I’m not sure how you think solo pug life is out here, but it sucks for everyone. You’re going to get denied to groups, you are going to brick keys. Your class is literally cranking in all forms of content and in all 3 specs. Honestly I don’t see how you could even be complaining right now with the state of warrior.

I can’t link things but Warcraft Logs is what I’m referencing. Also the fact I do a ton more AoE consistently on my 591 MM Hunter than my 611 Fury. Arms is the 2nd worst spec btw so. And no, Arms or Fury will never beat something like a Frost DK lol.


Is Demolish very satisfying to press. I almost went arms warrior for this xpac for it as well but instead went paladin for now from my DK. But it seems really cool and strong. Not sure why most warriors I see are fury though.

Before you word vomit with childish insults try taking a look at actual data, easiest being warcraftlogs. Fury is near bottom ST dps in raid, and not far above that in M+ overalls. Fury only shines in a select few encounters in raid where the adds phases die fast and line up great with our cds, other than that we are well below average.




Pretty fun to use in keys, ends up being a pretty hefty burst at the start of each pack. The only real annoyance is slow tanks who have ants in their pants and when you drop stacks because someone’s goldfish is drowning midkey. Demolish and Colossus Warrior in general makes itself home on bosses where there are dmg amp phases (1st mists, 1st siege, 3rd wake), it’s also a very potent add killer during boss fights if you dedicate the 10 stack demolishes to those priority targets.
It’s a highly slept on spec that’ll gain traction if people realise how cracked it can actually be in a proper organised group.
Has some pretty solid synergy with Augvokers too.

There’s a community perception where a set group of Warriors just follow and never experiment for themselves.

Ah yes the one thing everyone loves to do, log keys. WCL is a bad resource for keys since unlike raids nobody really cares to upload parses to it as the metric to track keys is your ‘io score’ anyway.

Also tell that to the multiple Frost DK’s I’ve left in the dust.

Fury is the only spec atmt hat truly embodies what a warrior should be as a DPS

Arms is a lameass dot class with some most unsatisfying bonks

Fury is just way more fun, way more engaging, easier, and dare i say more resistant. Some people also love the idea of titan’s grip and two giant weapons.


I think we’re playing different games as on this end seeing how hard MS/Execute/Cleave and Demolish hit in keys makes me giggle.


Fury just hits harder, faster and more often

you need a lot of little extra things to pile up for an acceptable MS, execute dmg is a joke, and demolish have serious issues that need to be solved especially in pvp scenarios where people can just walk away.

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The fact that fury hits faster is no longer correct due to talenting into powerful enrage they no longer have a haste steroid.
Arms stacks more haste than fury and actually has a haste steroid in In for the Kill, meaning they are now the faster spec.
Also comparing between logs, Arms also has a higher ‘Average Cast Damage’ on it’s main attacks than fury does and absolutely trashes them in the final 35% of an encounter.
MS/Exe damage is no joke and they’re easily stacked up for very big hits. Overpower is no slouch in either Hero talent tree.

Demolish definitely has issues in this aspect of the game since with no set-up you’re going to fail using it so there is counterplay to it. Much like there is counterplay to some caster attacks where people can just interrupt, Shadowmeld, Reflect or walk through them to cancel their cast.
PvP also has issues with too many PvP modifiers not having been reset on Arms talents which has heavy reductions.
This area of the game is also one of the worst it’s ever been since the introduction of Solo Shuffle which instead of you working with a team that covers each others weaknesses and boosts each other’s strengths you’re now paired with people of varying skill levels some of which who go to the craft store for their afternoon snack.


Good luck with that with rage starvation and rng with procs

Look, maybe the logs tell everything there is to know, but it def doesn’t feel like that way, for many people, the gameplay is no longer enjoyable or how it use to be, that’s why a lot of people switch or don’t want to play it, its more than numbers go brr

I did not tried to do high level PVE content yet, with it, especially because it feels awful atm.

But pvp? this expansion i don’t touch arms anymore, and this is from someone who mained arms since i started the game in cataclysm


Keep talking, I’m listening…

Had a 4.8 Million Crit on Mortal Strike, and a 5.8 Million Demolish hit in keys this afternoon.

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Nice, good to see others having a go at ‘non meta’ that also competes against the ‘meta’.

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Greil. Im not sure you are playing the same game as everyone else when you talk about fury

I used my old level 60 boost for a Warrior because it reminds me of when my brother and I played classic. He was speced arms.

And, I used my level 70 boost to create a mage, and they’re complaining that Fire is terrible and arcane is the only option for endgame PvE.

I essentially wasted both boosts on class/spec picks that are in the dumpster.

What melee Class/Spec are persistently at the top of the dps meters? I will just buy another level 70 boost.

How is DH holding up so far?

All that aside, Shadow Priests are complaining that they are the worst dps. If what you’re saying is true about them being buffed, then it pays to complain because the devs listen.

Oh man, where to start. I will say this Greil is 100% right, but i dont agree with the reasoning. Let me put this out there so that everyone can see where theyre going wrong. First, STOP USING LOGS as an excuse or reinforcement of your arguement. 80% of ALL warriors out there dont care about logs. Logs are ONLY used to indicate a reference point and almost 50% of top warriors out there outperform the base metric. Second, STOP USING ICY VEINS AS GOSPEL. If you dont know how to play or build a warrior read the tooltips and build to your strengths without putting yourself into even more of a deficit because of your weaknesses. Third, pay attention to how you play and decide what spec better suits your playstyle. If you favor Mortal Strike and Cleave, Collosus/Arms is your spec. If you favor a Bladestorm build go Slayer/Fury. There are endless possibilities. Arms IS NOT BETTER than Fury. Fury is not better than Arms. Stop using the mob mentality when talking about the two. Pay attention to how you play and spec accordingly. Most changes are irrelevant, well accept for Frost DK theyre just busted AF. Other than that if you arent having fun with your spec, switch.

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Paladins, at least one spec is always gonna be S tier but if you’re looking for dps specifically DH’s or Rogues are usually always a safe choice.