Warrior chage knockback

Just had a super rare moment on Eye of the storm where a paladin got knocked from a base all the way to right on the cusp of falliing off an edge and i was able to leap, charge, dragon charge and knock him off.

…But isn’t there meant to be a knockback DR which is just a flat 10 second immunity? Is dragon charge glitched and ignoring that or is that intentional?

See. I assumed this as well until recently!

I’m not sure if it was changed at some point, or we’re both not remembering properly, but yeah, there is no longer a DR on knockback.

I recently used explosive trap to knock a priest into me, then bursting shot them off the cliff in EOTS, and its listed in this thread as something that should DR.

Well they put the knockback DR in WOD when they ruined Pvp and i feel like they’ve just forgotten about it so every time an ability has been changed or added it doesn’t conform to the rule anymore. But there are still some abilities i’ve seen that do conform to it. Super weird.

I’m fine with them trashing it all together because Mop was more fun than anything since and being able to do more stuff is more fun.