WARNING - Currency transfer is bugged massively

Sometimes it will take the amount transfer from the transferred target and you not only lose what you tried to transfer but that amount from the target., it will show a 1 on what is left when you click confirm. and your currency will disappear. I am not sure what I lost in total, I did not notice the problem right away. Some of it might be because the servers are so unstable on top of everything.


Yep. Same bug. Lost 100k Dragon Isles Supplies, 1500 Darkmoon Prize Tickets etc.

Thankfully your ‘Transfer Log’ should note the transfers you made, so Blizz should be able to restore it. Take a screenshot for your backup.

Transfer Log is in the main currency tab - the paper thingy.


Came here to report this. Transferred quite a few Darkmoon Tickets and they never arrived at the recipient.

The transfer logs shows that the transfer happened, but the receiving character (the guy I’m posting with) balance is unchanged. :frowning_face:


Same thing happened to me with Seafarer’s Dubloons and Argent Tourney tokens, the 2 things I hate grinding the most. I got an automated ‘read these support articles’ response, which is of course no help at all.

I went in and reopened the ticket and then explained that I had already exhausted those avenues before posting a ticket and that my issue was still not fixed. I then took screenshots of my transfer log (both for my records and to attach as proof of transfers) and attached them to my response. I’m hoping that they will restore my lost currencies cause I transferred 4 different ones from across various alts and the balances were reflecting correctly until I was randomly disconnected last night after which my currency balances reverted on my main and I lost the stuff i transferred from my alts.

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Just lost all my curious coins and tickets and honorbound tokens…jesus they did zero testing on this.

Another +1, I transfered 1.1k darkmoon faire tickets and 41k timewarped badges. The timewarped badges were fine, the 1.1k darkmoon tickets deleted. Did both within a few minutes of each other, so it seems like a toss up.

You’re lucky that at least one of the two stuck. i lost all 4 currencies that i transferred over. I’m just hoping they’ll give the lost currency back at this point. i put in a ticket and all i got was the generic response of:

"I’m sorry if you’re going through this, I understand how frustrating it can be.

We are receiving some problems with the trade where the character is disconnected. Our quality team is currently working to resolve this.

I recommend you submit a report in the bugs tab on the forum"

The concerning thing is that the currency transfers being absolutely borked and reports of people losing currency is NOT listed in Patch 11.0.0 Known Issues and Information

Having the same issue here. Lost 60,0000 dragon isle supplies. Created a ticket and they wanted me to post here.

Lost 600 Darkmoon Tickets myself. Not sure what else I lost cause I did a lot of transfers. Sucks that this happened…

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Blizzard deleted my in game ticket and did not bother to list this as a known issue. BEWARE.


Yeah I’ve toons, all horde, same server etc, was moving some crusader currency from LK - and the dialogue appears but the transfer button is greyed out. Blue post says it should be transferable 1:1 - created ticket and they sent me to forums, pretty stark reduction in customer care from Bliz.

I’ve gotten 2 ticket responses asking for more information, which I sent as screenshots of my transfer log (I couldn’t find a way to access it in the game files) as well as a pdf of the names of all the toons and currencies transferred from/to.

3rd response was ‘sorry this happened, but read this support article on currency exchange rates. Seeya!’ WTF.

If you have a ticket in on this, DO not leave it marked as answered. Keep reopening it until they take this seriously.

Remember back when the trading post just got added to the game how lots of people randomly lost Tendies? And how those Tendies never got refunded? Yeah…

Also having this issue. I transferred 11,000 Timeless coins that disappeared from both characters upon next log in. Blizz’s response was “we checked your current currency and it seems right, so we can’t give you extra.” They really don’t test anything, and they don’t even read the tickets.

Update: Hotfix went out.

All lost currency has been restored via mail - Thaumaturge Vashreen. It should or soon SHOULD reflect back into your Warbands currency tab.

Some have been restored but I still don’t have my dragon supplies restored.