Warmode in Shadowlands?

Hey so I was leveling and accidentally put on warmode and somebody killed me and my friend later told me about it, so i turned it off. I can’t imagine anyone not level 60 would want to turn it on, because you would just get killed by all the level 60s.

Once I reached level 60, I was like well maybe I’ll put it on and fight, maybe team up with a DPS and we can do some WvW like in the old days. But as I’m looking at the reward for turning on Warmode it says> XP gained increased by 15%. XP? What? First of all, you wouldn’t put it on if you werent 60 in shadowlands to begin with and secondly if you are level 60 and turn it on why do you need bonus XP?

I WOULD turn it on and find some friends to pick fights with people and make it more interesting IF they would offer some kind of reward for turning it on that wasnt just stupid.

Thanks can you fix this please? I’d like to WVW sucker some guys into attacking me and my rogue friends pop out and we create a big brawl in bastion!

I would.
Don’t generalize.

You don’t. That’s why it gives you a different reward, not XP.

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Leveled 6 toons through SL in WM no issues. Until a couple of days ago, me and a friend, both 60’s with 200ilvls … Was mounted running down the road when a boomy in prowl popped up behind us and convoked, we died in 1.5 sec. We didn’t even have time to dismount, only hit the ground when our corpses hit the ground. Bravo

I’m sensing that we need a bastion free-for-all to decide who really gets to ascend

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Lowbies get x% increase to their xp, and max level get the same % increase to gold/anima gained from WQ/quests. It’s pretty minor, and mostly just a small incentive to get people out PvPing.

So i created a little red riding hood costume and I’m going to find some worgens to hide in the bushes around me and i’ll just sit in the middle of the road asking for help with warmode on until somebody attacks me


how am i going to do world quests if im bait? huh?

Lowbies turn on warmode for the bonus xp. However this also requires you to take risks, but you are rewarded for taking these risks.

People turn on warmode at level 60 because it gives you other bonuses than experience that are very helpful. Also if you are dedicated to pvp, then you likely only have pvp gear, and having warmode on gives you access to your pvp set bonus as well as being able to use your pvp talents in open world content.

There is still the risk of being attacked of course, but a lot of players enjoy that too and have warmode on for that very reason.

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Bro…please. Please message me when you do this! Hahahahha