Warlocks; what you guys think?

Make pets/haunt viable again! I miss pet/haunt play <3

no haunt ,just pet viable,dark caller is bis

adding another cast to do dmg would be horrible

Nightfall needs to be baseline. No one takes this dog talent that does literally nothing. At least in pvp it will give us more gameplay.

Could remedy this issue with bringing soul link back for affi? so we can use haunt again :slight_smile:
and buff pets damage reduction or life

and yeah baseline nightfall could be fun

Get counter spell off the pet already. I want to try playing with the other pet abilities.

More importantly, demo doesn’t even have a kick. Demo has to spend an honor talent to get kick. This is literally the biggest joke i have ever seen

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Harvest Cleave?


I mean, Nightfall would be fine if Shadowbolt did literally anything. It does like 1k damage for a 2s cast.

Ya I know, which is why it might as well be baseline since it actually gives us some decision making and active gameplay in pvp, it’s also the only way for us to proc our 9% dmg amp in pvp since nobody in their right mind is casting shadowbolt to begin with

imp is OP into hunters

I’ve been thinking imp is op into a few things and succ could provide a double chaos bolt window, but not having CS is too painful.

Hunters are also op vs warlocks, they substantially outrange us and have access to 15s cd wipe all dots.

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My thoight is.

Why play lock when mages exist?

Imp is good into jungle, ret/war, Succ i would personally never run especially on destro since fear accomplishes the same thing and it’s on a different school than bolt.

Why do u think I leveled my fire mage? I have given up :slight_smile:

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Remove malefic rupture 2021

Spell feels absolutely awful to play and im so tilted it made its way through the entirety of beta.

Yah killing hunter is hard as lock but imp is still OP into them. I will not be baited into another argument with a whiner warlock.

Yeah I’m leveling an ele shaman. I dont have any hope left.

I prefer Malefic Rupture to stacking UAs.


^^Yep Same