Warlocks are getting ripped off compared to Hunters

Hadn’t seen that this had but changed but I’ll cede that point if that’s the case.

Sorry I’m going to stop commenting now - this post was about choices and not utility. Didn’t mean to take it off on a tangent.

I agree. Hunters get new pets on a regular basis while warlocks have barely gotten a customization change over 10+ years.

Come on blizzie, don’t be like that.

Oh wait you already are.

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If our pet dies we cannot resummon another, we have to rez it. if we try to replace it we get an error saying “Yo ur sidekick is ded!”

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You mean… GIVE warlocks something? No no no… blizzard only takes from them. Sorry.

I used to play demonology a lot but I cannot even look at warlock class anymore. They destroyed it.

Categorically false. Especially for Demonology.

Same applies to warlocks, our damage and stun is tied to our pet.

Meanwhile for the other 2.99 minutes of a three minute cycle we have to hard cast 6 seconds for a new pet while also having inferior heals to a hunter. And reminder, 3 of the standard always-picked talents for Demonology is tied to Felguard, so if it dies, our DPS plummets.

Hunter pet management is superior to Warlock pet management, simple as. Hunters have:

  • 2 second summons for a new pet out of combat
  • Feed Pet = INSTANT 50% health with a TEN SECOND (10 s) CD
  • Mend Pet = INSTANT 25% over 10 seconds with a TEN SECOND CD
  • 6 second revive

Warlocks have:

  • 6 second summon; no separation of Summon vs Revive spells, no separation of in combat vs out of combat
  • Interruptible 6 second shadow channel sacrificing 24% of our maximum health to heal our pet for 48%
  • instant 3 minute CD for an instant summon

Are you kidding me.

It is the case.



Yes. Yes. Yes. And yes.

Added bonus suggestion; “enslave demon” should disorient demon hunters for 15sec.

That’ right. Sorry I haven’t played my BM hunter in a minute and couldn’t remember.

Oh this is my bad. I didn’t realize anyone played this anymore.

At least you getting some updates in alpha/beta.

The new pets are literally the first update we have gotten since alpha/beta started and most of them are in families which bring nothing useful.

How many blue responses have the Warlocks gotten in Shadowlands? quite a lot more than most classes in general. We have gotten none.

I mean one of our specs, Survival has literally not even gotten a single Talent change, only some numbers buffs to dead talents which were not used not because they were weak but because they compete with talents that are required for the spec to function.

Warlocks are tooootally being ignored by Blizzard.

Again dude. I’m talking cosmetics. Not gameplay updates. Totally different


I was not responding to you. they are talking about game play issues same as I am.

My bad then. Your response popped up on the corner of my screen and it usually does that if people are replying to me

As a hunter who alts a lock, i am totally on board with getting more pet choices. And also, let my demon LOOT like my hunter pet does!!

YES. We have demons serving us. They should actually serve.

Also it would be hella cute to have my fel pupper fetch loot


As I have said before. I have no qualms against Warlocks getting some actual pet skins to play with and collect. I just feel the need to defend my class.

also, I do find very weird as well that demon pet’s cannot fetch and loot for the Walorck. I mean I got pets that don’t even have a mouth to grab stuff while all demons have hands… I think…

Tentacles counts as hands too…


Fixing stuff that has been broken for many expansions lol

Also no tea no shade but warlocks were a lot more organized than hunters in our feedback, if you look at the alpha threads (unless they were deleted?); blame your alpha testers.

We had google docs, spreadsheets, me personally compiling all the feedback into a cohesive singular 10 page feedback essay, etc.; the equivalent thread in the hunter forum doesn’t compile the feedback in a singular post for the devs organized by topic.

It’s not that we’re being Ignored™ per se; and yes Hunters should’ve gotten more changes (and agian, I’d personally lay the blame on your Alpha Testers, the feedback just wasn’t as intensive or consistent during early testing).

But it’s the simple reality due to the hyper-focus on Demon Hunters in Legion, warlocks got zero updates to our demon system when it would’ve made sense, since our Class Hall lore is that we are the Netherlord, commander of an army of demons in Dreadscar Rift.

I mean it took us 8 years to get Green Fire customization (2004 to 2012) and that was added in Mists of Pandaria of all things with the Isle of Thunder patch lmao

I’m talking about gameplay due to that other poster insisting Warlock pet management wins over Hunter pet management, which as I stated is a bold claim.


I think a lot of us are used to being ignored so we try to sound polite in an almost passive aggressive way


Hunters can’t tame demons, but warlocks can. Class identity preserved. Enough said.


I completely agree. Blizzard doesn’t give a crap about us, honestly. The proof being that those grotesque BFA changes went through. If someone was actually in the room, with the devs, fighting for us, think they’d do what they’ve done to us? stripped our class of all its power, removed the two pets that actually did something useful, other than die? unlikely.

The people making the changes play the classes we kill in pvp. Remember that.


Its funny. My hunter pet is smart enough AI to not run into lava to attack something. My blueberry dies every single time im in firelands.

Youd THINK the ai would be the same… but no.

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This thread should just be renamed druid guy gets mad over warlocks daring to want something.

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