I mean at this point, the summon should only require lock and one other person.
There’s no reason for it to need two people anymore.
I mean at this point, the summon should only require lock and one other person.
There’s no reason for it to need two people anymore.
You are not alone, I feel you.
I still do love my warlock but rerolled a few other classes and I gotta say other classes really have it great, esp Shamans. They been getting love all the way this xpax
I havent really felt bad playing warlock this season as destro. I hit heroic 8/8 with guild & keystone hero. I feel accomplished with these goals.
I can guarantee you that you arent. That attitude right there is an issue.
Hes not doing his rotation “flawlessly”
Thats funny you think that will remove the need for soulstoning healers
Go into higher keys and mythic raiding and try and keep up as demo or affliction. Even destruction falls behind (albiet not as much as other 2 specs).
yeah watching the meters is part of a dps’ job. hes looking at mythic log dps rankings and crying. like usual. yall are babies.
Mythic raiding is where classes are played at almost their full potential. People are playing at 90-95% efficiency, sometimes more.
If at that level a spec can be played nearly perfectly and is still significantly behind, it shows the spec is not capable of reaching similar results as other specs even if you utilize every single tool it has in its kit. Usually meaning it needs buffs or adjustments.
Namecalling people who point this out isn’t helpful, and honestly just seems like trolling
Whining about damage is peak WoW players, though.
The conversation isn’t “warlock isn’t viable” - it’s “warlock doesn’t pump as hard as ele/enhance in raids”.
Warlocks are more than viable in all content, and it’s hilarious that the ones who are the least impacted by this (not even doing this content) are the ones who are the loudest. World First Ansurek had a Destruction Warlock. My buddy’s raid team has two warlocks and they have Mythic on farm. I have warlock friends pushing over 3K+, which is why I rolled warlock because demo is fun and viable.
You can push to 3K IO easily as a warlock, as your limiting factor isn’t class but rather group (pugs are a nightmare in general). Just because something is not the best doesn’t mean it needs buffed or that its useless.
This is whining.
No, the conversation for me is: Affliction doesn’t bring anything to justify inviting it, and it actively hurts your group to bring one over destro or demo.
Even on a fight like Silken Court, with spread targets that cannot be stacked, where affliction SHOULD shine, it gets stomped by destro.
Affliction has no niche anymore, and it has no utility the other specs don’t have. Affliction doesn’t add anything to your group over destro/demo, and inviting one is to choose to make content harder for your group.
It’s not about the damage entirely, it’s the fact that Affliction is truly worse than destro and demo in every conceivable way.
Wrong. Warrior is the worst.
Nope. Just because you are not top doesn’t mean you can’t complete content. This stupid log watching nonsense is what lead every single class being the same crap no classes are unique cuz y’all cry babies think if you aren’t number 1 on the top tier logs you need to reeee as hard as you can.
Just because you can complete content doesnt mean people will be forthcoming with group invites, making the entire process a lot more annoying.
You can not care about meters all day. When every tier list marks you as a med tier and you are competing with other classes, you will lose every time.
Make your own group… Crazy take I know…
If you’re actively pushing high content, or even content that is simply difficult for your group, choosing affliction is making that content harder in every way you’re role is meant to perform
You have lower burst
Lower mobility
Lower damage
Longer setup
No unique utility
You’re narrowly focusing on dps as if that’s the only issue of the spec. It isn’t. Affliction drags down any group it is in because you could simply replace them with destro or demo and they’d be better in every way.
Now, that’s not to say specs shouldn’t have trade offs, or pros and cons. They should. Every spec should. The problem with affliction is it’s just all cons. There’s no pros to brining them over destro or demo
Again, nobody is saying affliction should be top dps. At least I’m not. I’m simply saying it should have a reason you would want to bring them. Currently it does not
So, because I am not getting groups, I have to go out of my comfort zone and start a queue up to my keystone (whether or not i need it) just so i can play this class? Mind you, creating my own group does not guarantee that i will pique the interest of a tank or healer.
Or… Here is a really crazy idea… I can roll Shaman and get almost instant invites because the class does good damage AND has utility.
What you suggest is not a fix, it’s a workaround.