Warlock & Rogue LF Raiding/PvP Progressive Guild

Welcome to Animosity an Alliance Hardcore guild on Whitemane.

We are looking for passionate and competent players who have knowledge and experience with the Classic (Vanilla) environment. Our goal is to start raids 3 weeks into release.

Communication and Attendance
Extraordinary performance
Preparation for raids
Knowledge of your preferred class

We are currently recruiting for the following classes:

Warrior: OPEN
Paladin: OPEN
Priest: OPEN
Warlock: OPEN
Druid: OPEN
Rogue: OPEN
Hunter: OPEN
Mage: OPEN

We will be raiding Tuesday and Wednesday from 7PM - 10PM PST with Monday as a cleanup day as needed later on.

We will be using Loot counsel for distributing loot on a ‘most beneficial to raid’ factor. Also, based off performance and attendance.

We will be doing premades and lots of world PvP. Aside from dungeons, PvP will be our main focus on days we do not raid.

For more information message Xiten#2880 or Vite#4007. Or join us on discord SDAXhcR

updated Delete old posting

Hey Dethkisse, we’d love to have you play either of those classes, we are personally looking for a rogue more than a warlock but its up to you what you’d prefer. We’
re gonna be 6-9pm PST or 9pm-12am EST Saturday/Sunday, if you’re interested we’d love to have you!

Hi there!

I’m an officer with Pantheon. We’re a Horde guild on Herod. We raid M/T/Th 8:30p-11:30p EST. I’d love to discuss Pantheon further with you. Below is our recruitment page. If you’re interested, you can reach out to me on Discord at Aydriann#0478.

Thanks for your time!