Warlock Pet Skins still don’t apply to Wild Imps

This has to be unintended, right? The only spec that regularly uses imp(s) is still stuck on the old imp skins. This was reported when the new Warlock skins came out a long time ago and it’s the same.

The new Tyrant skins are cool but the imps are out 24x7


Yep. I can confirm this is awful and should be changed.

Such a waste of nice imp models.


not just wild imps, what about dreadstalkers


Demonology really got the short end of the new demon models

Felguard is still using a cata model I believe. Imps are old, dreadstalkers can’t be changed… so really all we got was tyrant


Felguard is not using the cataclysm model, its a model from legion like every other demon warlocks have got.

Here is comparing old model vs legion model.

Yet, every time people discuss Felguard Model somehow, always someone show up swearing by their grandmother that its the old model.

It is strange that, given no Warlock Spec regularly use Imps as a main pet, they don’t allow the new Imp skins to apply to Wild Imps.
Unless they plan on giving Destro back a buff for using Imps, it seems they wasted a lot of effort on skins few (if any) Warlocks will use.


Even still, demo doesn’t feel like it got anything new. We got colors. That’s it.

Destro and Afflic got entirely new models to use, and demo can’t use them at all. It would just be nice if demo got something cool like that. The new felhunter looks so so good, but it’s useless to us and that sucks.

Personally I’d love if we got a Fel Lord to replace the Felguard. Maybe even make it a talent that buffs him or something. Possibly a choice node with grimoire Felguard


blizz only ‘updated’ the felguard because its animations were all $%^&ed up when they neglected its coding during the WoD expansion. The Felguard does need some tlc, I’ve always liked the idea of promoting him to a FelLord or similar, but I’ve given up on that since blizz refuse to even rescale his size to correct proportions during certain current game aspects, for some bs reason our demons are always last on the dev list.

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