Warlock, Mage Or Spriest?

Reading this thread I swapped between mage and warlock like six times. Still no idea which I’ll choose.


My suggestion, choose whichever you feel more connected to lore wise. It’s not about what is better in classic it’s mostly about what feels right. If you feel like throwing elemental stuff at your enemies,teleporting, sheeping and doing wizard style stuff then it’s a mage. If you feel like being the summoner of demons and wielder of fel powers leeching the life of your enemies and taking their souls then you’re a warlock.

It really is that simple.


Really hard to beat Undead for spell caster pvp, Will of the Forsaken, even nerfed holds up pretty well. Even tho you get hardiness with orcs, i typically for that route if im going to be melee

Shadow priests are really strong on pvp.

Regarding PvE… well, like Preach said “Shadow was really good, for about a minute; then they ran out of mana and went bad”

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all 3 are really powerful.

Spreist is a little bit more management and being able to flip between Shadowform and not and knowing when and where to do it… medium movement increase with body and soul - NOT GOOD FOR PVE (dungeons/raids) everybody will only want you to heal. Priests are the bread and butter healer for vanilla, truthfully.

Warlocks is more micro management but have a lot of heavy hitting skills decent ability to survive… low movement in vanilla Decent. Everybody wants a few warlocks.

Mages just hit like trucks, good movement ability but harder to survive, your niche is being able to not be hit and do tons of dmg (outside of frost) Huge DPS. Decent ability to find a spot in raids - especially in dungeon groups for sheepizzly.

It’s a good suggestion. I identity a little more with mage. Really the only negative to that class is that there’s going to be a lot of mages. But they’re also more in demand.

They’re easy to play, everybody wants to group with them, and REALLY fast leveling. My record on 1-60 with a mage is 4 days AoE grinding… They are gonna be dime a dozen early on and then will weed themselves out at higher ranges because of how squishy they are in vanilla

Depends on the class. I’ve beat plenty of undead (even geared ones) without using fear once. All I need is coil and a felhunter to dispell CCS and its gg. If I’m up against melee and hunters I just use VW. I can be very good at vanilla lock PvP so unlike a lot of people I can actually work my way around that wotf and hardiness

Edit: this is whenever it comes to 1v1.

Mage has all the escapes and cc king.

You can sheep someone
Blink out of problems
Ice block to clear all debuffs

The best caster imo.

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Never be the shadow priest. It’s a meme spec for open world 1v1. It doesn’t get brought to premade. Nobody wants you in 5 mans stealing their gear. You don’t need a full shadow spec priest for raids, and even if they bring one being that guy is going to be like winning the lottery. If you want to be a spooky boy just be a Warlock. Or roll the god tier mage.


Bald and beardless Gnome mage w/ that creepy pedo face with the name Adjwvdnxnbe is the optimal choice in this situation imo


For both pvp and pve mage is king.

Has escapes, dps, and needed in raids.
SP is like a shotty warlock with weaknesses.
Warlock is ok, but you get smashed by warriors.

You just convinced me to go warlock…

If a Spriest rolls against warlock for shadow gear that priest will get blacklisted way fast

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I would say that’s an exaggeration personally.

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You would be wrong. Priest is ONLY going to be in dungeon groups to heal. Ninja looting off spec gear gets you blacklisted. You would know that if you played vanilla.


Yeah okay. I think you’re just talking out of your donkey at this point. I actually played spriest in vanilla by the way.


Lol elitist trash will be elitist trash.

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Go warlock, you’ll have a lot more fun, and you’ll always be invited to groups.

You pirate server babies are in for a rude awakening when classic launches. LOL