Warlock LF New Raiding Home for Dragonflight...S4 of Shadowlands if Still Active and in need

Hello There!

Just would like to start and say I am a well seasoned veteran of the game. I started in vanilla back in 2004, and have been playing this very toon to this day. Mostly as affliction with the exception of Wrath where I played demo during ICC for our raid buff. My best xpac by far has been Wrath where I was able to get server firsts for every raid (excluding Naxx due to death in the family, altho the guild did achieve it) including the Lich King himself. Since after Cata, I had played casually until this expansion due to my OG guild since vanilla retiring from WoW. In legion i Joined an aotc group as well as in BFA, then I experienced mythic content for the first time in Shadowlands, but mostly going for AOTC in which have had success. In shadowlands I have gone 5/10m for CN, 6/10m for SoD, and 3/11m for SFO.

I am not looking for a CE group per se, but if the right fit came along needing an experienced affliction warlock, I would no doubt sign up. I am heavily interested in an AOTC focused guild, but if the group was interested in attempting mythic to keep going as far as possible would be a bonus to keep pushing. Also with MPlus being a focus on days not raiding with active members seeking to complete keys weekly. In keys, i play any spec and rotate between all 3 pending on my mood or what is doing well at the time.

I am available every evening after 7PM CST making 8 or 9pm CST ideal. Looking for a two nights a week guild, with a possible 3rd night if the push is there to down a prog boss. 3 nights might be ok with the right group, but looking for very laid back folks. I am open to server transfers, but will maintain Horde faction.

Please post your inquiries below with any questions for me, but most importantly info about your guild. I would be open to voice interview with any of the teams who inquire.

Fun stat… Just parsed 99 on Anduin Heroic (44th place) as Demo using Inner Demons, so there’s that…only lock on top 500 using that talent as of today.

Hi Karajaeden!

I think you would be a great fit for our guild and community, Found a Green Quest! [US][Zul’jin][Horde] is recruiting high mythic key runners and heroic raiders for Season 4 and into Dragonflight! Though we are casual friendly, we work to create a fun and dynamic environment for those who perform the highest levels of content. We have Keystone masters, former heroic and mythic raiders on our roster and we work to foster a healthy and toxic free community. We are recruiting dps, especially rogues, death knights, monks for Raid, and we can always use more tanks and dps for the highest levels of M+. We are fortunate enough to have plenty of healers for raid, and we are not in need of a tank for Raid. We are currently progressing through heroic, and we are looking for raiders willing to do the work, have a measure of patience as we progress through raid and willing to be a team player, taking and giving constructive help through content. Though we are principally on Zul’jin and are horde side, our community is all encompassing and players from all servers and cross faction are welcome

Let Jarsha or Kiuayoukai know

Discord Jarsha#1350
Discord Kiuayoukai#2395
Battle.net Kiua#1912

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[H][US][Dalaran] 2-Day Mythic Progression Guild LF DPS - T/Th (8-11 PM EST)

Hello Karajaeden!

I would love for you to join my team!

Progression: 31/31 Heroic. Excited to hit Mythic in a week or two after filling the roster and grinding out Dinars!

Our History: We recently reformed on Dalaran for a better server culture and are excited to have a Stranger Things-themed guild!

What we offer:

  1. Mythic + (multiple groups run +20-27 keys)

  2. Alt raiding, transmog runs, and other guild activities

  3. Guild repairs

  4. Potentially PvP nights in the future

Battle Group(Stormstrike): Andorhal · Anetheron · Archimonde · Black Dragonflight · Dalaran · Dalvengyr · Dentarg · Duskwood

What we want:

  • Attendance (90%+ ideally) (but – real life comes first, we get that!)

  • Come prepared for fights and be willing to take feedback

Current Needs (for Mythic Team): DPS: Fury/Arms Warrior, Fire Mage, and/or a Havoc Demon Hunter Heals: Willing to trial for a Flex Healer Tanks: None ATM

Current Wants (for Mythic Team): Unholy Death Knight/Enhance Shaman/Balance Druid/Windwalker Monk

For more information, add the following Battle Tag:

Recruiter: Malideon#1650 -Bnet (Malideon#6527 -Discord Preferred)

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Hey what’s up! I’m a multi CE raider starting a guild for dragon flight, feel free to message me on discord Jaboc#0001.

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Hey Karajaeden,

We are looking for a warlock and would love to chat. If you can swing 7 central start time id love to have you reach out. Below is my information and spam. We are currently still raiding mythic in season 4.

Disc- Doctersauce#4910
Bnet- Doctersauce#1397

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Hey Karajaeden We are a progression aotc guild that wants to starting doing higher mythic keys along with continuing our fated raiding progression/Dragonflight progression.We have been looking for a warlock for quiet a while and i think you would be a great fit! our basic info is below and i hope to hear from you!

Sentry is a newly formed AOTC-focused guild on Area-52 Led by experienced WOW raiders looking to solidify its raid roster and wanting to achieve AOTC along with building a social community for all players

WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR: We are looking for any like-minded players who want to achieve AOTC,do some mythic plus alongside just enjoying the game!
RAID SCHEDULE: Wednesday and Friday 8-10:30 pm We know real life happens, but we encourage people to try and make raid nights and if not to please let us know beforehand.

ROLES NEEDED: Tanks: Low Healers: Low Melee DPS: OPEN Range DPS: OPEN

CONTACT US: If this sounds like a good fit for you, we’d be happy to talk to you. Add us on Morningz: GM - Discord: LoreNihilus#6933

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Hey there Kara!

I would LOVE to talk with you about our guild on Thrall

We are a group of long term players and some newer who do our best to enjoy the big 3 of WoW for endgame with raiding, mythic+ and pvp. Our goal is to do all of those at a high level but also keeping our community in tact and a positive environment. We value strong players who want to do their best and look for continued improvement. Our raid goals line up exactly with what you posted as well as our times.

Tuesday/Friday 9pm EST till 12am EST is our set schedule as well as a potential 3rd day if there was something we really wanted to push for but only on a rare occasion. We also have lots of mythic+ people, myself included who shoot for top 10 spots on the realm and ksm/ksh each tier.

Shoot me a DM so we can get the convo started JBrews#3223 Discord or JBrews#11807 Bnet

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