Hey there! I’m from Massacre on Turalyon and it sounds like our current outlooks on the game might align. We’re 3/8M and raid Tues/Wed 8:30-12EST with an optional heroic Thurs at 8:30EST. We have been an active raiding guild on Turalyon since 2007, pushing CE and recently taking a step back to more of a casual-mythic raid style and schedule. Our average age in guild is somewhere in the 30s and most of us have our careers and families that take priority, although we do still appreciate solid attendance on our two nights of raiding and a heads up for when people need to be out. Outside of raid we’re social with alts, m+, other games, and music in discord. I’ll link you our recruitment post and if you’re interested hit me up! (discord @kara#8566 or btag kara#1715) We do a full Heroic EP clear first thing on Tuesdays and would love to have you along if you’re at all interested in the guild.
Good luck with your search!