Warlock defensives

I think he should’ve just coiled the hunter prior to porting instead of getting kicked on UA, since hunter already trinketed a kidney shot


they just got outplayed, excuse will probably be that they were LAN at a hotel or whatever they were saying

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Sometimes you underreact and get domed

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he got the brakes blown off 2 rounds in a row tho, usually dont make the same mistake twice in a row

yea that was dumb of him and them… idk why they would bring a lock into a rogue hunter… but still locks are as ruki said. glass cannons. affi does good dmg now… im just asking to not be hella squishy. not asking to be stupid tanky but at least let us take dmg a healer can actually heal.

The issue isn’t the strength of wall, it’s the cd. 3mins for a 40% wall, when some classes have double that on half the cd.

That’s if we want to take the cd route, imo the long cds are fine if we get our old passive mitigation back.

Soul link used to be a 20% split now it’s 10%( used to get 10% stam on sac now it’s 5), demon armor was nerfed by 50% in pvp, soul leech, HS and fel synergy were also nerfed/reduced in pvp.

Many awc locks have stated that warlocks are in fact the squishiest or 2nd squishiest caster in the game.


that’s a solid point i actually forgot about all of that. i’ll be happy with a 2.5 cd honestly, but i mostly play solo so 2min would be ideal, but i think 2.5 would be best for SS and 3v3 arena. I would agree that we are the 2nd squishiest. mages takes the cake on the squishiest; however they have so much mobility. Any good mage can keep melee off of them.

They should unnerf mortal coil healing and make drain life actually heal for something. It ticks for like 10k. Come on I have 6million hp.

They should revert the changes to dark pact tbh.

I agree OP!!! And for Old Gods sakes, PLEASE fix Demonology, its horrid!

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