Warlock defensives

you have 100% parry chance, while you aren’t cc’ed. parry only works from frontal attacks. and by latency i mean server latency, people moving in arena and the server not recognizing them in front behind to the side of you etc.

DBTS is garbage. people argue that its better than enraged regen on fury, but enrage regen is the same DR, heals you, and can be used while stunned/incap/disarmed. the only downside to ER is its 2min cd instead of DBTS 1.5 min.

DBTS you cant use while stunned/cced or disarmed, either. So you can literally kill a Arms warrior in a 6s Disarm, and they can’t pop their only defensive.

As a Arms warrior you almost always need to save your trinket for defensive purposes, and cant save it to land a kill, or else you just flop and die in a disarm/stun.

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you know he didn’t wall at all, right?


and the priest dome wasn’t his either, and he was standing in it like it was, lol

doesnt ui always show it as enemy, maybe not big troll

enemy dome has a red glow, they were spectating someone on the locks team, it had a red glow. He wouldn’t have been dropping that fast if he had 50% dmg reduc from dome

That was a friendly dome, 40% reduction, though the buff faded when he was at half health. He also had pain suppression, but they let that fall off before sending


This pov has kalvish, with zhang barrier down but it shows without a red glow, even though it should if you were right.


Battlecruisr, pls assist

warlock was doubling peoples damage in every match almost. So the argument that MM damage is broken, isn’t really viable. They shouldn’t have that much burst with how mobile and tanky they are though. They could probably use a sustain buff outside of rapid/aimed, and burst be toned down a bit in comparison. Their overall damage is fine.

You can’t stand in the middle of the map with no defensives vs a MM, even if you’re plate. Any time a mage or lock is on my team, im always training the MM just so my caster can have some breathing room. They definitely can 100-0 in about 3-4 secs with cds, if left alone.

In fact, even this PoV is from Curney as Zhang casts his dome and you don’t see a red glow either.


You can see on the cooldown frames that absterge was the only one who had dome on cooldown and on the target frames that wizk has the barrier buff. It was a friendly dome.

so you’re going to wall in the opener? a major cd

Damn that is crazy.

Warlock isn’t getting defensive buffs. Give it up.

only thing i can think of then is that the dome didnt register the pre-rapid fire location, or that he was on the very edge of it when the rapid fire went off, because there’s no way he dropped that fast in a dome.

as a warrior? If the enemy team pops offensive CD’s and you don’t pop your defensive CD, you are dead. Unless your healer isn’t cc’ed in the opener and can pain supp or use one of their CD’s on you, Yes, 100% of the time.

Also most locks wall in the opener too, if there’s 2 melee on them, he did not, thats why he died.

Unreal how often you just post verifiably incorrect information while simultaneously acting like your statements are entirely accurate / valid & talking down to others lmao.


The dome registered, he was playing vs MM/Sub two of the highest burst dps in the game.


still, pain supp and dome? ya idk

They already committed pain suppression and dome, so I don’t really blame them for not wanting to commit trinket or wall. They spent 12 seconds breaking through the pact shield so to say he just randomly died in 3 seconds isn’t really telling the whole story either. Pain suppression had already fallen off, pact was broken through, and wizk was sitting at 80% with maybe 2 seconds left on dome when his health evaporated the rest of the way over 4 seconds.




i didn’t re watch or study the video, just going off what my first impressions were, but yea i guess lock should’ve walled, lol. it would be back up for their 2nd go, and would have another pain supp still. and swap