Warlock defensives

So after AWC seeing a warlock take 6million dmg within 3 seconds with some overkill can you please raise our unending resolve to 60%? 40% dmg reduction is useless. Also, if you were to do so leave dark pact alone, as you saw that pact was gone in .5 seconds. Thats my every day life in arena.


We don’t need defensive buffs lol.

Hunters rogues and dks need big nerfs tho


undending resolve needs to be at least 60% for us. i’ll be okay with 50%; however 40% does nothing for us.

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You should press it at high hp as the enemy is doing their go.

Not when you are 20% hp and the go is already over


I do. and still get globaled. is my point

If you are getting double 2 minute cds popped on you it’s way more efficient to pact then port los first instead of standing in open facetanking every cd in the game with just wall.

I’m surprised you didn’t ask for an immunity, seems like every class has been getting one.

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nahh not asking for an immunity. you guys obv didn’t watch AWC. how fast wizk dropped with all defensives is my point. 6million dmg with ALL defensives up in 3 seconds. apparently thats normal. sure it was a rogue MM hunter but 6million in 3seconds is wild.

Pi trueshot with dark arc and tricks isn’t something you wanna stand in the open and tank. Trinket porting would have been the play there.


too bad he died after he ported with his healer in los.

I watched prev tank that same team and destroy them, so what are you getting at?


yea but prev didn’t get griefed/ hard targeted. so theres a difference

meanwhile, other specs have 30% walls

that dome that they called on wizk, was not their dome, it was the other teams, lol

They were being greedy trying not to use too many defensives in the opener, 2 games in a row, and lost 2 games in the 1st min

Oh so you’re blind?


i mean if you have to use your defensives in opener that match is already lost. but i suppose there is nothing wrong with the game the game is totally fine and balanced :slight_smile:

Just gonna say.

Warrior (arms) basically has a physical attacks immunity. Die by the sword into most physical comps is a very effective and useful CD that comes along with, yes a 30% damage reduction.

not even close. you can be hit from behind, you cant parry while stunned, and with latency you can be hit from the front or side a good amount of the time also. And while being trained by 2 melee, 1 is almost always going to be hitting you from behind thru dbts. it also doesnt parry cleave damage, only direct physical damage from the front.

you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. you ALWAYS want to use a defensive in the opener to avoid getting gibbed. its called trading CDs

Very well.

I did not know it did not work while stunned? That’s interesting. Just says 100% parry chance. Figured that meant 100% parry chance. I’m not sure what you mean by latency? Are you talking actually latency as in “lag or FPS”?

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MM hunter is broken.

You just saw warlock as the victim of broken MM damage.

Nothing wrong with lock defensives, it’s MM damage that needs to be addressed. (Also rapid fire needs to stop going through pillars and continuing during duel)

Simple as.