Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

The VW with the gold mask looks just silly.

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Love it. Would be neat to see other races unique options.

Wonder what a void elf set would look like…

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I kinda like it. My initial response on Twitter, was that the Felhunter was just a recolor, and that there’s probably something better to use. Also, the succubus just looks too much like another Z.Troll, so might feel weird.

Happy we’ll get Pit Lord as a skill in DF, but again 0 new pet options for Locks…

Neither a Fel Lord, despite many talent icons show him =/


Is saw that Hunters get a new lava pet and yet Warlocks don’t have the ability to use the different models of our current demons. I would love to have my dual wielding Wrathguard again. Having a pet Eradar with customizable transmog would be amazing also. If all the pets damage is normalized then what’s the point of not having new models. Put the different skins in one of the 5 categories: imps, dog, succubus, voidwalker, or felguard.


Hunters have 60 pet families and warlocks have 16 pet glyphs. It’s so sad that warlocks are missing out on a lot of this.


I still want the black dreadstalker skin

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And we don’t even know if we’re gonna get to keep our new Pit Lords when the next expansion after dragonflight happens.



So let me get this straight… Hunters get Dragonkin tameable pets to already add to their ever growing roster of pets and customisation options… yet Warlocks still have to use baseline pets they had for what? 18 years?.. how is this fair in the slightest?

Does Blizzard even see the Warlock community continually asking for new variations of our baseline pets at all??… it’s bad enough we’ve actually lost baseline pets over the years, R.I.P Doomguard and Infernal you’ll be missed.

But seriously it’s gotten to be beyond ridiculous at this point…


60 pet family’s and now lava pets and good doggo pets vs 16 demons wooo yay go warlock customizations.


I just saw the new dogs they get, seriously Blizzard needs to communicate and atleast acknowledge our plea!!.



I miss my Doomguard. And all the MoP demons back when they had different things. Having them as glyphs is fine but its not the same.


Wowhead made another post with more pet options, now Ducks/Peacocks/Eagles

My hunter is happy, but my lock is jealous :joy:


-_- Fine the ducks and peacocks can stay

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I just saw, I’ll be honest they are adorable, but I refuse to play melee and hunters :rage:, the only melee I love is Enhance cause they like a pseudo caster…but that’s no excuse for no new baseline Demons for Warlocks!!

Like there roster of customisation for new pets just literally continues to grow, I’m starting to think they honestly don’t really care about Warlocks at all… and it’s truely sad :sob:


Glyphs plz, at minimum


Wtb more glyphs for:

  • Demon variation for Inner Demons
  • Demon variation for Hand of Gul’dan
  • Demon variation for Vilefiend
  • Demon variation for Tyrant
  • Demon variation for etc

Please let Dragonflight be the expansion for more variety glyphs for Demons :pensive:


Glyph for Inquisitor’s gaze :grimacing:

I thought we’d get a Fel Lord this time


Warlock glyphs I desperately need in lieu of demon grimoire system:

  • Faceless Glyph for Voidwalker slot
  • Wicker Glyphs for all
  • Inquisitor Glyph for Tyrant
  • Imp Mother Glyph for Sayaad slot or for the Pit Lord of Nether Portal
  • Moarg and Wyrmtongue Glyphs for Imp slot
  • Fel Lord for Felguard slot
  • Void Glyphs for all