Warlock class redesign

Really? Every time i try and cast it in a delve i just get “YOU CAN’T USE YOUR CLASS ABILITY HERE”.


Although i understand where you’re coming from, many have voiced their concern with the ramp requirements and rigid rotation being excessively punished on heavy movement fights , which are pretty much most fights these days.

Having instant aoe full dots with seeds and soul rot both on a 30s cd (which allows you to cleave bolts/dsoul) is arguably a better setup for damage windows than we’ve currently got.

Also haunt does damage which makes it great for sniping mobs if needed, something which current aff lacks unless you’re holding a nightfall proc.

Edit: i know my proposed changes aren’t perfect, it is an “off the top” sort of list, though it does hit on quite a lot of the issues that locks have suffered from for a while. When i read responses like these it sounds like you guys dont want any changes at all and are happy with the current design. If not plz feel free to share alternatives which we can brainstorm together.

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  1. Male doomguard our class wide dps cd as our cornerstone talent in the class tree.
  2. Make gate/teleport baseline
  3. Remove making curses as a requirement to continue down the tree.
  4. We dont need 1/3 of our tree about defensives. Look at the mage tree. 3/4 of their tree is offensive in nature. One, just one, choice node for each defensive is all we need.
  5. Why passive +health talents? Just bake them in already.
  6. If your going to nerf leech, which you did, then make the healthstone leech talent more desireable.
  7. Lets be honest, our cornerstone talents at the bottom of the tree are not worthy of their positions. Get better ones.
  8. Do more offensive talents with pets.
  9. If your going to make pets so squishy, which you did, at least provide class talents to make them better.
  10. Quit locking dps talents behind lackluster talents.
  11. Maybe if you had 2 or 3 overall themes you were aiming for with the class tree and built it accordingly, the tree would feel better instead of a bunch of old talents thrown together.

Don’t know why, I’ve used it more than a few times.

Dimensional Rifts should cost Soul Shard ( Burning Ember for Destro ) I like that idea.

I can imagine Dimensional Rift doing damage based on how many shards you spend on it.

During legion you had a 5% chance to summon the fire one doing more dmg and applying dot.

Basically when u spend 5 shards on it, it would summon the fire Rift doing massive damage.

The idea that you are summoning rifts all around u in my opinion sounds sooooo cool and it fits Destro so well.

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Worst part about this is that the hero trees themselves have talents we already take in the class tree.

Meanwhile looking at all the other hero trees of the other specs none of them is here we’re giving something you already take in your class tree.

Or there other is adding talents to thing people don’t use like howl for demo. Those talents should be applicable to all form of content and likely to use to both specs that use that specific hero.

Did they not learn this when they added grim feast to the class tree (a talent only meant for affliction IN pvp, 0 use in pve, 0 uses for the other two specs), you know this is something a good designer would avoid.

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Historically, Demo has been my favorite spec but its turned into an out right clunky mess to handle. But Diabolist Destruction has turned out to be like, the exact way I’ve been wishing it worked. Damage profile coming from yourself mostly, with big specific summons popping in for massive damage. Miss the fel guard, but I like not being forcefully tied to only one pet.

As for your proposed changes to destro, I wouldn’t be huge on them. Though I like the ‘Rifts are easier to take’ energy.

For destro specifically, only thing I really wanna see, for now, is baseline cataclysm. Or if you wanna get wacky with it, cataclysm replacing rain of fire as aoe shard spender (like as a talent choice node to be clear). Make it so when it goes off it consumes the remaining time on immolate dots to immediately do damage, then applies a fresh dot.

Outside of that, if something akin to Grimoire: Fel guard and/or Summon Vilefiend found its way into the destro tree…well I’d be quite happy with that.

Just bumping this up , hopefully can spark some more conversations about the class direction + new ideas.

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