[Warlock] An Argument to updating the class Tree

I had read your post, and i actually disagree with your post due to a number of factors.

1º - I don’t think having damage nodes are a good idea in the class tree because you will always pick them instead of utility, quality of life or defensive ones.

In part, this relates with how i rather have spec-specific damage talents who interact and relate to each spec toolkits than a damage talent who is essentially the “same” for all 3 specs.

“Look we have this 10% overall damage class talent on all 3 specs who is the same”…that X% budget could be more interestingly invested on being X% on some destro-like effect for destro tree, X% on a demo-like effect on demo, and X% on an aff-like effect on aff.

Your Damge is always 100% of a total, if you add more damage sources…you take damage from elsewhere.

2º - We already have warlocks who feels like how each spec having a main demon CD is out of place because Pet Damage/doing damage with demons isn’t part of that spec fantasy.

And this is Darkglare a spell who does actively plays with the damage-over time effects of the spec.

3º - I Don’t think the specs need yet another cooldown to add specially Demo and Affliction who have quite a few of those in multiple different timings and their particular way of using them.

I recognize you want Doomguard as a pet for the class again, and nothing i say will convince you of otherwise, its why i have opted to not reply my disagreement in your thread when i originally read it.

I think you have fully the right of manifesting that opinion, and attempt to convince Blizzard of the case, and it falls up to them to be the sole judge of “yeah we should add doomguard back to all 3 specs” vs “we shouldn’t”.

But, like i said, i disagree that we should have Doomguard as a talent tree in the class tree for all 3 specs.

I don’t think they will ever remove the health cost of Burning Rush, its ability to be kept turned on is too strong to be solely limited towards mana-cost.

but i do think they can limit it, like they have done in Dragonflight even if it turned to be too strong (with people keeping it on for entire raid fights).

Personally, i would suggest the idea of having a talent who introduces a grace period, making it so that it don’t burn health for the first 4~6s of its duration, but in turn it introduces a small (8s~10s) long CD.