Warlock accidently kills a melee in pvp

Immediate swift and severe massive nerf to immutable hatred, halving the amount of damage it does.

Ret pally destroying PVP with broken overpoweredness ruining it for everyone else? - timid soft 5% nerf to a cooldown.

Totally fair and balanced though.


Yeah this makes no sense how are some classes getting 50 percent nerf to abilities while others that are totally obliterating pvp as a whole get little love tap nerfs?


They are getting more then that on Tuesday.

The rest are minor survivability nerfs which wont prevent pally’s from globalling you while invulnerable.


The balancing patches have been a joke since 10.0 Hit.

Rets globaling, yet receive minor adjustments.

While Warlocks full-array damage toolkit gets obliterated because we’re killing Melee on accident.

Guess what Fellow Warlocks - We are the Joke of the Xpac.


Its because of this I quit pvp a couple weeks ago and started doing mythic+. Im embarrassed to say i havnt had this much fun in wow since legions wpvp.

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33% nerf to wings damage and crit

I have no idea if it will make much difference though, I guess we’ll see on Tues.

One of us, one of us!

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how dare that warlock to kill a melee in pvp, nerf! nerf! nerf! nerf!.

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Developers’ notes: We’re toning down the value of Immutable Hatred as it’s providing a significant boost to single target damage in PvP while being difficult to avoid.
Immutable Hatred now increases your primary Felguard’s Legion Strike damage by 60% when it damages 1 target in PvP Combat (down from 120%).

was this that strong? seems like they just nerf warlock every week now whenever any spell is even remotely strong.


Yes, because it was a passive that your easy-to-kill-and-counter pet used.

Naturally we can’t have a warlock able to damage someone - having your pet do a bit of damage is far more offensive than, say, a ret globalling you while invulnerable.


Yeah is almost the copy paste reason for demonic stregnth aoe nerf.


Seeing everyone on Ret and Rogue/Mage/Priest in these AWC matches dominating the Arena is so much fun to watch.

Blizz response however: We’re going to nerf Warlocks further.

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Don’t worry, they also knocked 5% off one of ret’s cooldowns. Have to be very careful, no massive sweeping nerfs for ret!

They can still go invulnerable and global you while you are unable to fight back, but that’s fine.

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A bit misleading. It was a 33% nerf to both the damage and crit bonus of wings.

Let’s hope that plus the other nerfs are enough to bring ret in line come Tuesday.

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Warlock is the “Nerf DH” of 2023 🫠

Having soulburn healthfunnel. My pet never dies. If your pet is dying alot, learn2play.

It’s nothing. The actual damage they do during wings is being reduced by 5%(not 33% which would be more reasonable) - big deal, will hardly be noticeable while being globalled. I’m smashing people on my PvP vendor geared alt ret without even having to pop wings.

The other nerfs are defensive nerfs and very much needed, but don’t prevent the faceroll insane damage ret can do, especially while invulnerable.

Yeah because you’re doing so much damage while channeling your very easy to interrupt and lock you out heal.

Maybe you should be invulnerable and uninterruptible while channeling it?

It’s going from 15% bonus to 10% bonus which is a 33% nerf to the bonus damage during wings

Like I said, let’s see on Tuesday if that plus the other nerfs are enough.

Yes, but it’s only a 5% nerf to their actual damage output during wings (plus crit chance) which is nothing considering the sheer amount of damage they pump out.

Why do we have to take the wait and see approach to ret which has been making PvP unplayable for everyone else for weeks now, yet warlock(who aren’t even close to dominating) deserve kneejerk nerfs that halve abilities damage?