Warglaives of Azzinoth

Let Rogues and Warriors transmog them already. They were the only ones around when the OGs were available.


Nah, it makes way more sense that they should only be transmogged by a class that came out 9 years after these weapons were introduced into the game.

Forget about the fact that rogues were running around with these when they were current content.


I love seeing all the “BUT IT MAKES SENSE” Arguments.

You are literally wrong. It’s coincidence that they’re restricted.


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Bruh, I was being sarcastic.

No, I don’t think the way it is makes any sense at all.

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You would think warriors could equip warglaives being their fantasy is using any weapon. Anyways sleep now turning off my phone


No. I know.

Your reply button was just the closest thing.


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I would agree that any rogue or warrior that earned them back then, should be able to still transmog them. If you earned it, great.


Get real. You only wore them as combat. Combat isn’t even a spec anymore, outlaw is

So on a technicality, it doesn’t make sense for rogues to be able to wear them.

Gg go next

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They could add the restriction that they need to be unlocked using the BT timewalking run.

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Let Hunters dual wield and add them to the warglaives too >:(

We’ve had the ability to dual wield since vanilla, but were left off the warglaives unfairly.

And we can dual wield on live, but our abilities are stupidly not useable with DW.


I always carry mine with me. I never know when I may need to fight demons.


As a rogue main from TBC to mop, this legitimately annoys the hell out of me.

Want DHs to mog it? That’s fine, sure. ONLY them? What? Why?

Like it’s in my bloody bag and I still can’t mog it because these simplified windwalkers copyrighted glaives?


What was an even worse kick in the pants was they added Deathknights, AND Monks. to the Able to be equipped by stat on it. (When they were added, because Twink sets were a thing for 70.)
Those Warglaives are actually the most coolest Legendaries aside from Hand of Rag or Shadowmourne, let alone the Thunderfury.

Spoiled rogue players.

id go for a HD version of them

I agree, hunters, rogues, and warriors oughta be able to use 'em.

Or at least change the Warglaives of Azzinoth from the BC encounter that people that got it have, to one of the old warglaive models~

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Warglaives are now DH weapons. Seeing others with them was awkward back in the day, just as it would be awkward now.

Unless they change it so that others can equip warglaives, it won’t be changing. And I don’t see any reason to do so. Especially since they’re agility weapons and Warriors don’t use agility. So that would leave rogues, which would look less than stealthy with two huge glowing glaives on their back.

I agree. Delete DH’s nothing but problems. DH’s even stole meta

Hunters too while we’re at it, not necessarily the Warglaives of Azzinoth specifically, but just warglaives in general since they originate from the Sentinels and Ranger corps respectively Alliance/Horde.

On second thought, since the Sentinels are pretty much every class a Night Elf can be just about, why are glaives locked to DHs again?

:point_up_2: Considering how many Hunters we actually see dual wielding from BM Rexxar to multiple Rangers.

Lol, same here

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