Warglaives of Azzinoth Won't Stay Transmogged

I have the achievement before anyone mentions this.

My problem is that once I mog both warglaives my offhand weapon keeps disappearing on one of my demon hunters. I’ve tried switching weapons and the problem persists, always on the same side. And only on one DH, the other is unaffected.

What are you mogging the Glaives over (i.e., what weapons do you have equipped)?

the Glaive of Raging Tempests, I have the same weapon in my main hand I had sword in there before, which I thought might be the source of the problem. I can switch the weapons positions and the problem persists on the offhand position only.

So even if you only mog both weapons by just putting each in the main hand first — does it still lose the mog when you put the second weapon in the offhand slot?

yeah, it won’t let me because it thinks the appearance is already there. The whole weapon actually disappears too which is weird. If I attack something it shows back up. It looks like I have nothing equipped. I tried to transmog another appearance, but it stays gone.

Check your buffs … most likely it is the profession equipment item overriding your weapon showing.

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I don’t think it’s that. It’s been consistently like that for weeks. I barely do any professions. I thought it was the weapon itself at first, but I recently got a new one and it’s still a problem, cancelling the profession equipment doesn’t bring it back, it only comes back if I attack something. It’s gone every time I log in and stays that way until I hit something.

It is odd behavior. I have seen dual-wield classes either lose showing both weapons due to a profession tool OR only have 1 of the weapons show.

What profession does the DH in question have? What level are they?

If high enough level for Dragonflight zones, have they talked to this NPC to have the profession gear not appear as often?

Another option is to completely wipe any transmog effects from the weapon(s) in question. If the weapon is NOT unique-equipped then it can be placed in Void Storage to have any transmog removed. Please note, that will also wipe any enchantments on the weapon as well.

You can also perform a full UI reset (as detailed in Support article linked below) to rule out a misbehaving addon or corrupted UI.

Please note, this is NOT the same as disabling addons OR doing a /reload of your UI.