War/DK ISO PvP or Raiding/KSM Guild

Hello all. Came back from a break and wanting to find another home to bs with! I’ve been 1800+ in multiple arena seasons, AOTC/3/12M in NYA and AOTC in CN, nearly KSM twice, and mained warrior since 2012. I’m looking at maybe going DK for new main. I have some logs from last tier but none from this tier as I’ve barely done anything yet. Only killed a few heroic bosses. I am 224 in PvE gear and can hold 4.5-5k dps single target. Played since TBC.

Hi Maddexx!

MGB (2/10M & AOTC) is currently recruiting! Message us if you’re interested in joining!!

Discord: Ali_A#1167
Discord: Deadlift#4338

Guild Environment:
We are a mature all around guild with the largest social community in our server faction. We are mainly focused on raiding progression but during non-raid days we dabble in high-end PvP and M+ content as well.

Raid Team:
Our raiding goals are to grow our team and take down all the Mythic bosses we can!! Off-meta specs and covenants are welcome if you can play them well. We foster learning and improvement in our raid group but we will bench players when needed in order to kill a boss.

What we’re looking for:
Any strong players but especially a Death Knight, Druid, Monk, Priest, Rogue, or Warrior.

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30 pm Eastern to 11:30 pm Eastern


VODs of our raids: https://www.twitch.tv/deadliftsc

Hi (: recruiting for Bloodknight Redemption [Illidan] our weekday team raids t/th 7:30-10:30 [cst] server, currently 3/10m
Contact for more info [Bnet: HoppingKoala#1644 Disc: HoppingKoala#0745]

Hey there,

We’re AOTC focused if you’re looking to stick to heroic, feel free to give us a look at:

Hey maddexx! Hope your reset day has been good :slight_smile:

I am Gm/RL of the Exclusive Outcasts on Kel’Thuzad. We are an alliance guild :slight_smile:
Casual mythic prog guild/ AOTC guild.

We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays as of right now. Sometimes we switch to Tuesday to fit schedules. We are 9/10 heroic, 1/10 Mythic in the Sanctum of Domination! We are in need of raiders right now! We have lost a quite of few people to classic and have some people stepping away from the game right now. We are looking for tanks, healers and DPS! We need it all!

As of right now we have consistently have 2-3-9 to 2-4-12. We have one of our DPS mains as tank right now. Current needs:
Tank :
Any type! We are rocking warrior/Druid right now.
Healer :
Shaman, druid, monk, pally. We will take a priest but we already heal with 3 :slight_smile:
Warlock please! We need one badly! DK, Druid, Mage, ETC. We would take about anything of course!

PVP in the future, keystone nights on the weekend :slight_smile:
Bubonict#1987 B tag / Ty - Resent#3575 Discord

Hit me up on my socials above, would love to chat!