Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

It only counter per-character HKs. Honor level is account, but HKs are not.

But I see your druid has 361k vendettas against the Horde. I’m not saying it’s undeserved, but…



Tbh I’m sad I’ve under 30k. But considering this is an account from Legion, I main a healer and I only played through one full expansion I think that’s a solid number.

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I have 3.2k vendetta points, on my Vanilla-era hunter. You are doing okay.

And even that many vendetta points is misleading!! About one quarter comes from RP-PVP events in Wrath-Cata, another quarter shouldn’t count because I definitely was merc moding early Shadowlands for a weapon and kinda did that for a bit, and the rest?

The rest are probably mostly from Wrath-Cata too, likely from Wintergrasp and Tol Barad. I make no apologies. The vendors had things, and I wanted them.

I am, overall, a paragon of peace with the least vendetta points because I am good and nice.

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I kind of wish that achievements had started earlier. My horde death knight got out as much as Anyaka for a while, but I keep bouncing on what I want to be my horde main. So my kills are spread out between her and my shaman and a troll warrior who is still… around…

But I went on vacation once and my guild told me when I came back that Anyaka had spent the entire few weeks showing as online and in Warsong Gulch. …Waaaaaaaiting. I really like Warsong Gulch. Lorewise, and also the map itself.

My Vanilla Rogue has one or two dishonorable kills that I am proud of to this day.

I remember when I saw that there was such a thing as a dishonorable kill. I was like… what?

I’m actually a dumb huggy bunny in World PvP, because you never know who’s there just for the goodies and doesn’t really want to fight.

But in instanced PvP, all bets are off.

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Oh I’d be fascinated to see how many I raked in between Vanilla and Wrath.

But probably a lot less than I imagine. If a HK just counts as contributing I’m sure the lion’s share is from me vampiric touching everyone in the big center EBG melees.

Because having about a billion ghosts fire out of you and fly around the map remains the coolest thing ever.

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Ok, unsurprisingly my very first character, my priest, has the highest vendetta point count. That makes sense, because I really, really got into BG healing for a while, and would run towards any RP-PVP event I saw.

Still, only 20k vendetta points. Compared to SledgeDruid, I am a saintly beacon of calm diplomacy.


That’s a high I can’t quite scratch.

Sniping people on my Hunter is fun. Locking down whole charges of people in a narrow passageway on my Destro Lock is thrilling. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat by Death Griping the EFC on my DK is exhilarating. Stalking stragglers and ninjaing resource hubs on my Rogue is diabolically delightful.

But nothing. Nothing. Has ever topped the ecstasy of being the main procuring cause of victory by holding the line or ensuring your attack remains offensive.

Because it feels like this everytime;

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Does the book make any references to Genn vs Sylvanas and the events in Stormheim by any chance?


My personal favorite is the bit where you run at a crowd of opposing players and they all do the little back away because they don’t want to be the first ones hit.

…I usually die after that, especially on my warriors, but tbh, scattering them off the flag is worth it every time.

That’s also the secret of why I’m an awful battleground healer. I get bored of waiting for my dps to figure out that dying in a video game doesn’t hurt and plunge into the opposing side metaphorically screaming “Valhalla!” waaaaay more than I should.

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I have over 100k across all my toons, hence my “of the Alliance” title

This was ironically mostly gained in Cata I think, when the Forsaken were on the warpath. But you aren’t the only person who has been ganked in Hillsbrad.

I was playing alliance on Shattered Hand when cataclysm launched, but I was genuinely excited to learn that my beloved Tarren Mills was standing when the smoke cleared. I lost so many temporary limbs defending that place.


I hate horde queue times, but I can’t bear to send Nathaniel to fight for the Alliance. It would break his shriveled, maggot-ridden heart.


I’ve never actually merc’d on either side, but the bonus of being bifactional is that when I get annoyed with one, I bounce over to the other.

Back when I was keeping up with the gear wheel, I would have a main on each side. Now I have a bajillion alts. But they all have their personality and what feels “right”.

I wonder if we’re ever going to update Seething Shore. Kinda depressing these days.


Now I’m craving two things, thanks to you guys.

I wanna do some BGs again (that one won’t last). And I wanna do stuff on my alts.

You’re gonna suggest “why not both at the same time”, and the answer is I forgot how to play most of my alts. It happens all the time with me, I just forget what keybinds do what. And in a BG? That will end poorly.


Wowhead spoilers are why I cancelled my pre-purchase of this book. Once I knew how the garbage fest sprawled out, I didn’t want to contribute money to the disaster. It felt like I was encouraging bad behavior, like giving my dog a treat after defalcating on my bed, destroying family heirlooms, and then eating my other dog.

Please do feel free to keep sharing about eel vore and other assorted tidbits. The comic relief makes this a lot more palatable.


Yes, it’s mentioned. It’s not it’s own chapter and it doesn’t go into detail about what happened between her and Genn, the main focus was why she needed to subjugate Eyir.

Keep in mind, unlike other wow novels where you get multiple people’s PoV. This book is entirely in Sylvanas’ PoV.

We at no point get Genn’s PoV and he’s just a footnote in her life. The big moment between Sylvanas and Genn is the Battle of Gilneas and he’s portrayed in a very favorable light, he’s a standin for noble people in her own life, like her own father.

The reason she hates him so much is because she sees herself in him and there’s a mix of admiration and self loathing for her when it comes to Genn Greymane. She sees him as a formidable enemy.

(On a more sarcastic and dark humor note, I now picture Sylvanas reacting “Daddy!” Everytime she sees him :rofl:)


Which was also nearly burned down?

