Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Tbf, it was objectively but unintentionally funny she power slid at Arthas.

Kinda shows how rushed this story is. You’d think they’d try to work something else out on a storyboard.

Off the top of my head I would’ve had her getting it in the back while turning around, trying to direct refugees to safety. Showing her concern for others literally got her killed, and how that might inform her perspective moving forward.


Nope, you were very clear about what you were saying.

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She is right alot of horde players dont think about the other side of aisle when they say things benedikt clearly didnt think that when he said he wishes that darkshore had more memes

I dont think if sylvanas died, that it should have tyrande doing the fornite dance on her body, i think it should be serious and her character should be treated with respect, is it too much to ask the same treatment to happen with nelves?


I’m going to give you a tough pill to swallow:

The Nightelves are not being mistreated.

They had a whole zone and storyline in Shadowlands.


no it never happened, but if what benedikt said he wanted did happen, that would be mistreatment

Why does it matter to you what Benedikt wants?

We all have our own fan fantasies, I’ve had to listen to many a night elf and Alliance poster talk about how they would kill Sylvanas in the most brutal way possible.

Why is your experience worse than mine?


I think they were pretty hard done by and the hastily made apology fruit basket sucked.

But as a Forsaken fan my only solace is hoping a different fruit basket committee is assembled when and if, and that’s a big if, they ever remember they also screwed us for no reason.

Hell I wanted a sorry just for the rebel campaign. It was surreal to play on a Forsaken toon. Particularly because I happened to be wearing my dark blue UC tabard transmog for the initial Saurfang SoS fight.

So this there was this tragic air of

Please brothers no, listen to me, I beg you” to proceedings. Then the Orc and Troll high five like this was fun.

Just one line of dialogue. Just one character saying “Hey this must’ve been pretty screwed up for you, having to murder people you knew were just misled and didn’t give you an option”. That’s all I wanted.


You entirely missed what Bene had been saying up to that point. He had been talking about the radical shift in tone from whimsically (I’m gonna paraphrase his words here) jumping into the Iron Horde Hamster Ball of Death to roll over enemies in Kul Tiras, to suddenly being beaten over the head with how horrible war is and how we’re bad and should feel bad.

Yeah, if WoW’s going to try to have their “lol random” quests and eat their “vry srs bsniss” message too, Darkshore is the zone to do it in. Not because what happened to the nelves wasn’t a tragedy; because it certainly is one. And you have the Horde’s two most “lol random” races predominating that warfront. It calls out for goblin shenanigans between heavy hits of the “YOU ARE WRONG, HORDE” bat.

Because over on this side of the aisle, we got a lot more “WAR IS WRONG AND YOU ARE EVIL AND YOU CAN NEVER COME BACK FROM THIS” in 8.0 than the Alliance has gotten in total. And being a war criminal can be kind of overbearing when you literally are railroaded into it.

So this side of the aisle, we’d’ve liked a bit more levity to lighten up that overwhelming oppression of inevitable defeat and moral incorrectness.

Y’all talk about not seeing your side of the aisle, but you won’t even read what this side of the aisle was actually discussing.

C’mon Kat.


We were not lucky enough to get promised renewal by a patron goddess.


What’s a god to a non believer?

The Forsaken just need a new stronghold and a new means of procreation. I don’t want nor need the Primus to fist bump them and call them a cool dude.

But Plague Deviser Merelith and Kevin are more than welcome to come by at their earliest convenience.


As the Horde processes them, maybe a few peons forgot to clean the machines and change the settings.

I promise you, my word as a Hordie - we will do better about our victim process. There will be a sheet where the peons have to sign in when we change victims.


That is almost certainly an oversight; if they didn’t have a specialist sensitivity reader go over the book, it would not be noticed likely in the copy or proof editing phases as it isnt grammatically wrong.


I can’t put into words how much I hate this. Im not opposed to retcons per se, but, while it would have been more challenging, they (I say they because this was likely a cdev decision) could have made the revelation of the jailer come later, as a piece of the puzzle that had not already been covered.


And that was a thing that was great about the past. You never had to do Hillsbrad or Silverpine. You could be an orc that was like “Nope… those undead or disturbing and Im honorable, I tolerate them only because we need them, but I don’t trust them”.


If I didn’t remember questing in Vanilla Hillsbrad, Classic reminded me why I felt tears of joy upon seeing Southshore in ruins.

I don’t care what the lore says.

They had it coming


So it really is a vendetta against Alliance players?

Nearly 75k HKs and thinks it requires a vendetta to kill other players. But only if you’re Horde?

What the what?


As a Vanilla Player, I can say : who ever is in the place I am fighting can die.

I also say that as someone who regularly Merc Modes on my Rogue for faster queue times, and enjoys killing any Horde in my path.

Horde. Alliance. Anyone in my way. Or anyone who is around to witness.

Reminds me of a West Side Connection Rap song that I could not post here. “The Gangster, the Killer, and the ____ dealer.”

The killer part, if anyone checks it out.


If that thing counts total kills across all toons, and that’s grounds for judging people, I’m sorry.

Also, my druid has won Warsong Gulch an expac or so back, and y’all can go home now.

Statistical evidence.