Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Is that a yes or no? Like, it’s not hard at all to answer; “is abusive behavior acceptable when a review includes bias?” This should not require redirection. It’s not a controvertial question at all.

Is abusive behavior acceptable when a review includes bias?

No, it is not.

I gave you a clear answer. No dodges, no weasel words, no evasion necessary. Why not do the same?

Do you think that simply uttering phrases like “abuse” and “gaslighting” is a rhetorical instawin

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No. I believe behavior speaks for itself, and this thread still exists. Speaking down to people won’t change that.

Ainhin soulds like the people who would criticize my lore blog speculation for being too pro-Slyvanas.

I think no matter what, to some people think i’m the “nut who likes Sylvanas” And that’s fine. I don’t value thier opinion anyway.

I get criticism because I’m me.

And becuse I’m me they should seek thier spoilers elsewhere.


I genuinely do not care what your headcanon or fanfiction or speculation is so long as you clearly state that it’s headcanon or speculation. Your mind is your mind and you can believe whatever you want to believe.

My problem is when people try to pass it off as fact instead of as a matter of belief. Even if you don’t intend to be intellectually dishonest when this is done, it still leaves you open to criticism from people who don’t hold the same beliefs that you do.

Clarity is important in any kind of discussion, even something as inconsequential as the lore of a dying MMO. But especially when you have good reason to believe that something might be controversial, which you know that topics relating to Sylvanas and the Forsaken and their relations with the Alliance are.


Read the book for yourself. No one owes you an unbiased reading.

You want an unbiased reading then read it yourself. That’s it.

I owe you nothing.


For what it’s worth, I do think Ren tried to be objective. Acknowledging that Sylvanas went full villain in BfA and beyond, instead of an edgy, cryptic antihero is about the biggest compromise we’re going to get in this forum.


Well I do think it is asking alot. People post as they see fit.

If a poster named AntiElfArthasFanX got the Sylvanas book first, I would not ask or expect an objective list of lore on Sylvanas. I would take what ever information they posted with a grain of salt, until I could confirm it myself.

It almost feels like alot of people are angry someone else got the book early. Reminds me of that Twilight Zone, where one family had a bomb shelter, and everyone in the neighborhood wanted to be in the bomb shelter, so they all went crazy.


I agree. As much as I don’t want to reward blizzard for putting key plot points into books, I suggest everyone buys this as a source.

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Lol what thats insane, what would you want a book like that, that would be horrible

and I dont mean that cause its sylvanas, would you want a nelf themed book that goes extra double hard painting the horde as bad guys with stuff they never did in the game

Calia is a better character than Sylvanas because her boobs are bigger.

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This was allways allerias story, the best archer the windrunner ever produced.

EoN was strange in this regard. Sylvanas story was a different one

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Ren admittet to make biased perspective answers. This is no crime, no, but its not how i learned answers on question should be over reading marterial

And to wrote down parts of the book is forbidden until 29 march. Here i would recommend you ren to not do anything until official release.

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I wanted you to be right.

If my storybook marriage to the Forsaken is any evidence I do genuinely like the character. She’s just not my favorite aspect of them and imho had become way to omnipresent in their narrative.

I was really excited in BtS when they introduced the Desolate Council. Because I thought they were just going to let Sylvanas be Warchief and were moving the Forsaken storyline forward. Which made sense they’d probably Thrall her and have her go duck off somewhere after an expansion or two to be put on narrative ice.

So after the Gathering it was obvious that wasn’t the case. And after BFA it seemed there was no secret heroism to any of this. And after the Sanctum I thought dear God they’re not even going to let her be a cool villain.

I wanted to be wrong. But Blizz has repeatedly shown they never knew what to do with this character. They’ve never been good at writing women, and Garrosh proved they struggle with “right from a certain perspective” villains.

So lava eel vore is about the best we could hope for. Say what you will about that it’s certainly a fresh idea.

Sigh. I just wanted to her to lead the Horde for a bit then go save the world and duck off with Nathanos to a farm or w/e.


I’m someone who mostly dislikes Sylvanas and will say that Calia is not a better character. Besides, that dress is deceptive.

Eh for the most part I don’t think anyone has any objections against say Jaina/Katherine Proudmoore. Lucille and Merideth Waycrest were relatively competently done.

If anything, its the Kerrigan/Sylvanas ones that have troubled them and with good reason. All of Brood Wars made the players want nothing more then to kill Kerrigan for every horrible thing she did. Heart of Swarm tried to redeem her but still had her do awful things to innocent people and what was the catharsis for it all? Jim not being able to shoot her and she gets turned into a Goddess. Similarly Sylvanas managed to get a slap on the wrist.

Ultimately they wanted to satisfy both the fans and haters of these character but I don’t think they suceeded. this is a Blizzard game, and nearly every bad guy in any Blizzard game ends up getting their just desert…except for these two.


Golden is a fake feminist. Her being a real feminist would require her to have emotional maturity and self awareness.


Christ. I’ve had to delete my socials because as someone who knows people in both countries the amount of misinformation, outright lies and asinine takes were causing me psychic damage.

Yeah this sure is like Harry Potter. Anywho a guy I’ve known for 14 years put his entire life savings in a backpack and is just hanging out in Georgia now because his country became a fascist nightmare land in a month. And he’s one of the luckier people I know as he’s not sleeping in a subway turned bomb shelter at least.

I was talking about if the new Batman would be any good with these people a few months ago. That feels like it happened in an alternate universe now. Intellectually I knew how fragile society was but man. Seeing it is different. Everything can disintegrate in just a matter of weeks.

So I’m pretty familiar with awful takes on this topic. I say with some authority then that quoting yourself, by quoting World of Warcraft, is some premium idiocy.


I said tried, not succeeded.

Oh boy. The Lordaeron stans are out in force.