Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Haha, no worries. I wasn’t sure what you were getting at is all.

Maybe. I think they were foolish not to, but it definitely should have been a deal with reasonable terms. I would have had some british style quartering of troops or something. Some safeguards in place.

If the Horde doesnt have something in the Eastern Kingdoms to match Alliance territory in Kalimdor, then the Alliance in Kalimdor isnt really safe.


Ummm, did you play BFA?

I can’t believe I read this book in less than 10 hours for an ungrateful forum who are just going to toss what I’ve done for them aside because they don’t like me or the character I like, or because I didn’t get every single detail verbatim.



I would never toss you or the Lava Eels aside ren


I knew what we have is special Baal :slight_smile:


Have you been personally attacked for sharing your tidbits? The fact that the book sounds bad and is about a highly divisive character in the first place (and thus was likely never going to satisfy a big chunk of us posters regardless of either it’s quality or it’s content) does not reflect on you as a person.

Yeah, in this thread, by the usual suspects. All for not swearing that the Alliance is truly justified and all good. In a Horde character PoV book… I also can’t walk on water. Do people not realize in a Sylvanas PoV book, the Alliance is going to be presented in an unfavourable light?

Is it bias not to seek out a loophole to retain the Alliance’s moral superiority when none are presented?

Is it disingenuous not to squint to find some hint that Garithos was cared about by anyone in the Alliance? (he wasn’t)


Ren, you know I appreciate all of this.

10/10 would vore like lava eel


Christie on Twitter is really upset to know that we uncovered her vore fetish. She wants us to stop talking about it or take it out of context.

I think her Twitter comments were directed at Me because I talked about the epilogue (which I should not have) but people have already probably shared screenshots over Twitter. I will have to search this entire thread to find it so i can delete it. I think that’s what she’s talking about. The only real spoilers are the epilogue which leaks next weeks judgment and cinematic.


I guess she’ll have to either ignore it, or swallow and digest the criticism. She might not lava it, but it might not taste that bad if she tries eel hard!!


Just a question, has any of my replies been shared on Twitter?

I need to know, so I can honour her wishes and delete them.

edit: Ah! I found it. okay, I deleted the “leak” I’m sorry Christie if you are reading this. Don’t judge me too hard in my criticisms, I was overly excited about this book. There were so many emotions, mostly good! I’ve already annotated my favorite pages, and put a tab everywhere Nathanos is present, which is a lot, thank you for that (just in case she does actually read this forum.)

You are the only person here with a copy. People just wanted the facts, not an editorial.


Very weak justification for going from reasonable to insulting.


And yet my facts were called “biased lies”

And all of that after telling anti-Sylvanas fans they were right about her being a villian in BFA. It seems like no matter what I do in these forums there are a select few who will find fault in anything I say or dismiss me offhand.


You contradicted yourself in your assessments of the book and then admitted that in your presentation of its contents, you were adding your own personal interpretation of events.

People wanted to know what the book said, not what you thought the book said, and this should have been self-evident.


Ren, you know you didnt do it for them. The ones you did it for love you for it, and you are a story forums treasure.


“You did not tell me things the way I wanted you to tell me them, so I acted like a jerk” is also not the best defense.


They seem to know how to get under my skin, because I want to be considered as being objective, especially when it comes to lore. I consider all lore perspectives.

(unless I’m just joking around, I was joking around with the exaggeration of the Sylvanas and Nathanos stuff because it makes me feel less embarassed to deflect with humor about things I care about, which I admitted to doing, mostly for Evelysa’s enjoyment. )