Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

na please don´t…to many funny answers here^^


I feel like Golden got her wires crossed somewhere. Just before killing Garithos, Sylvanas had this whole sinister tangent in Edge of Night about how it was a good thing the Forsaken were starting to dissociate from their human roots. Golden herself doubled down on this erasure of their past in BtS, to the point of baffling retcons to Sylvanas’ own in-game exposition regarding Lordaeron and its people. So why did Sylvanas reach out to the Alliance at all? The Forsaken reconnecting with their human heritage would’ve poked a massive hole in this new identity she was trying to sell them on; that of abandoned cast-offs only she could shepherd.


Italian republics found the whole thing extremely lucrative, the french nobility dumped their second sons in crusades hopeful that it would bring with it some land, and the byzantines were hoping the whole thing would help them reconquer Syria and Egypt.

Also broadly the crusades are not considered a good thing outside of some frankly unhinged people.

i never claimed that the crusades are a good thing, i would ask to not pretend that i did such a thing. but most conquests in human history were full of innocent blood, or do you think the conquest of bycanze was a friendly campagne?^^

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Now we know the REAL reason undead are so cranky.


Yes, because no one in their right mind thought the Alliance needed a reason to be repulsed and horrified by the forsaken. Pretending that the neighbors of the forsaken were content to let the Forsaken occupy Lordaeron, or any other former human lands, but for Sylvanas’ treachery is either willfully ignorant or gaslighting.

Jerusalem Syndrome: people visiting the city becoming overwhelmed with religious fervor and begin suffering delusions that they’re Jesus.

Lordaeron Syndrome: people playing Alliance become overwhelmed with factional fervor and begin suffering delusions that the Forsaken have no right to live in/possess control over Lordaeron.


Then why do people keep saying “well of course Varian wouldn’t deal with the Forsaken!! Garothos!!”

Cuz yeah, I assumed it was because zombies icky, must bash. But even the faint hint at Alliance “prejudice” must be whitewashed, and for once it’s not even by Blizzard!!


I did yesterday, or at least how it is fought over by two parties with arguably legitimate claims to it.

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Please do. I don’t really want to hear her justify her contributions to the lore. She can save that for the next book.

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They are though. Indians are Caucasians. Subsaharan African women were shipped back to Baghdad to stock the Harems because they were so beautiful, and that definitely affected the genetic make up of golden age Islamic nobles, but semitic peoples are scientifically caucasian, even if Europeans like to consider them an other.

I do. I’d like to see her directly confront her criticizers, instead of deny and block them.

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It’s a counterfactual because the Forsaken had no interest in peaceful coexistence with humanity, thus making it a moot point.

She’s subject to chronic and sustained twitter harassment from weirdoes, I don’t blame her for blocking people or even for disengaging from social media altogether.


So like…

I don’t really know why a science lesson was necessary here.

I have never seen her genuinely address the criticisms she gets

I think, as a matter of strategy, Sylvanas did have an interest in the support of nearby humans. Though it is without a doubt she did not expect nor seek a legitimate partnership with Garithos. What is funny is, she never even proposed an Alliance with Garithos. There was no division of territory. There was no expectation of future allegiance. She promised him everything he wanted and he believed it. What hubris and foolishness.

Ah, so the Alliance would have been fools to accept an affiliation with Sylvanas.

Sorry, I know its rude to correct people about minor fallacies. I couldnt resist the urge to mansplain that even though I knew exactly what you meant. My bad.

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If it’s just a question of rights then there’s nothing to dispute. The Forsaken’s right to sovereignty was destroyed by their conduct over the course of WoW, same as the Cult of the Damned or Scourge don’t have a right to sovereignty despite being “from Lordaeron.”

That they were allowed to keep it after BfA is extraordinarily generous on the part of the Alliance given the gravity of their crimes.

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