Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

They seem to be the Shadowlands exception.

This is not the first time this week someone has made this comparison.

I don’t think they even realize that they are also defacto comparing the Forsaken to Muslims. At least, I hope they are unaware.


It is always strange when we agree on things.

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Turns out I have been RPing as a Muslim all along, alhamduillah!


To be fair, with anima flowing it doesn’t seem particularly hard to go from one afterlife to another. Admiral Taylor was just walking around wherever he wanted. And Draka says she’ll go find Durotan once she gets bored of Maldraxxus.


Ironically, the Crusades were born out of fear of allowing Islamic influence to spread even further in the Holy Land, and then it was the Crusades that actually dealt the death blow to the largest Christian empire there (Constantinople), allowing the Turks to occupy it with ease.

and that only out of pure plundering greed, an irony of history, one of the reasons why I like history so much, it is full of irony and sarcasm, better than any comedian, which shows how stupid people can simply be.

I’m not doing that at all, I’m not implying a comparison of that kind, I’m just pointing out what people are fighting for and for what reasons. The so-called “holy land” is a war zone that is thousands of years old and for which probably still for many reasons in millennia will be fought, as long as man has something he envies the other / or would like to claim it, people will fight for it.

i spoke about the land, not the people inside this land.

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Venice vs Byzantium is like deciding between your left or right eye. Both are beautiful cities, but I don’t like what the Venetians did to Byzantium.

Oh well.

Back to topic.

I wonder how they will reintroduce Sylvanas once cosmic community service is over.

i don´t think we will see sylvanas ever again. Her Story have an end, she will be in service of the souls she condemed there and will try to atone, her story have an start, an middle and an ending, this ending is at least acceptable.

It wasn’t just that. The church wanted to flex its muscles, Byzantium wanted to recover their old territories. Pope wanted the european powers to stop fighting each other for wealth. European kings had lots of fighting men at their disposal and ambitious lords.

Basically everything that was problematic in Europe the pope and other European kings just pointed a big finger towards the middle east and told them to go nuts. Jesus forgives you and all the other good stuff.

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Dude Sylvanas is going to come back like Illidan did. Just give it one or two expansions.

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The Crusades was an invasion of outside forces at its core. The Europeans had no claim to the lands beyond religious, and they were fighting against native inhabitants who also had a religious claim, as well as a much longer residential one. Forgive my poor wording, there’s proper terms I’m missing here.

But as Smallz said, a cursory knowledge of the Crusades shows how poor of an analogy this is; living and dead Lordaeronians are still Lordaeronians. Arabs are not caucasians. The stated goal of reclaiming Lordaeron is to take back what was theirs by birthright, not arbitrary religious determinism.

Beyond a fight for land, the two have little in common.


Allah akbar is Gutterspeak for Sylvanas Is Great




The Saracen-Moorish attacks in Spain were seen by the Church as a provocation, and the partial Moorish rule in Spain was to provide centuries of conflict that created a certain “enmity” between Christian monarchs and Muslim rulers.

And Byzantium was at the beginning even against the Crusade, it was only after the fall of Anatolia to the Turkish prince suddenly immediately “all in”.

Again, not quite so simple. The papacy at that time still saw itself as the legal successor of Rome, and Byzantium definitely had land claims to these territories as well, having been under Eastern Roman rule for almost 1000 years. As I said, the whole thing about “property claims” is always such a thing in real history. History knows many owners, in the end the most powerful one prevails.

Byzantium was an empire that was pressed from all sides, but at the time of the First Crusade it was still the “big man” in the Middle East.

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If Golden posts in here and shows adequate proof that satisfies my standards proving it’s her, I’ll delete the thread

wait, this was your post??? on Twitter?XD

Are you asking me? I don’t have Twitter

oh, i thought because you answered on baals post.

I made this thread