Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

The Ren slander today makes me sad. After all I have done to give you guys spoilers. You are all very ungrateful.

I’ll just keep my biased spoilers to myself.


The Crusades? which one? There were a couple and I don’t think in any of them they were in the situation the Alliance finds itself in currently.

I think I’ve made it clear on these forums that I lean towards disliking Golden but I try to be fair in my assessments. From what I know, the eel situation seems overblown and people are looking to use it to laugh about Golden. I don’t entirely blame them, it’s fun to laugh about, but it’s also important to be fair. I plan to outline the cringy parts in detail when I get my own copy. I’ll be able to give fully informed explanations without exaggeration then.

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The Jerusalem / Lordaeron city comparison went over your… oh, nevermind. Gnomo.

Did you just compare Jerusalem with Lordaeron?

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By the way, I would like to mention here, the only one who benefits from putting all the blame on Arthas is the Jailor, who from his point of view tries to convince Sylvanas and also pretends to be a victim of Arthas who stole his “power” just like that, immediately makes him seem much more sympathetic for a victim of Arthas. Furthermore, we know, both in-game and from other sources, that Arthas did fight against the influence of the JAILOR who resides in the Crown of Dominance. Because the same fate had Bolvar.

The Jailor wanted to win sylvanas on her side, it was a gamble by tricking her into beliefing that his power was stolen and the lichking had never this purpose…he did not explain to her what the lichkings porpuse was, only that arthas steal his power…and sylvanas was immidialty “Oh yeah, thats sounds like arthas”, this books changed nothing about the Jailor- Arthas Dynamic, nothing, the only thing this book changed was the "Sylvanas-Arthas"Dynamic.

You do not, you have changed many many details

For example the Arthas one i listened above.

Its a bad comparison if anyone had a cursory knowledge of the crusades.

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He did, but only to highlight that there can be many motives to conquer a city.

I mean why not? It was a religious center for the Alliance and historically important.

I kinda agree, because Jerusalem never belonged to the Franks / French / English.

I appreciate the spoilers a lot and am very grateful. You seem to be the only one here who has given spoilers, which I thank you for. Even if some of it might be biased or exaggerated it’s still something and not nothing. Answers will be more clear in the future and people can better understand then.


Even if you assume religious claim by the europeans (again depending on which crusade we are talking about) the situation where the europeans could send expeditions to the holyland is completely different than the situation that the Alliance is in.

I have deliberately chosen a provocative situation, forgive me if this has affected you, but it was also an effective reason to show that there can be many reasons to fight for something.


No its fine my point in short is if Alliance wants to send an expedition into the holyland of Lordaeron first they have to secure their home territories first.

And when they have resources and lots armies just standing around doing nothing besides maybe sharpening swords to use on each other for chivalry and Light. Well thats when you find an Alexios to proclaim a call to arms and you can send all the ambitious young lords and their armies at your common enemy while you watch from a distance as two problems take care of each other.

Do you have the book yourself or are you getting info from somewhere else?

oh, there were many reasons, power, political problems, but religion was ONE of the claims that convince the common, but also the promise of freedom that the crusade made and that all sins would be forgiven if one joined it. Later there were even condemnations to join a crusade, but also salvation was a reason, definitely, that especially the poor and simple claimed for themselves. It only got later completely out of control, that even children crusades had arisen. The Crusades happened at the height of the Church’s power and influence in Europe, not entirely without reason.

to be honest, this one here.

I wonder if they have the “Until death do us part” vows in the Warcraft setting, because they might have programmed that into the Arbiter a bit too literally.


That’d mean Quadarin and Thiernax didn’t give vows

The crusades notoriously constantly went out of control but each time they came about whoever was sending the forces was in relative peace.

That was my point as well. Right now the Alliance is crippled, their territories are either on fire or were recently on fire. The alliances are strained and we got two kingdoms that are currently refugees and the Alliance standing army is now apparently only conscript farmers.

Alliance is running on fumes. Now is not the time to reclaim Lordaeron.

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They maybe didn’t bother with the ceremony, just a stag party.