Warcraft Short Story: “Terror by Torchlight”

No, no it did not. :unamused:

He said…

You are cute. How do you access it? I put in the link, I write it down, I put it into the computer, it doesn’t work for me. I see it on the cellphone, not on the computer, please help.

Apparently not everywhere though, as I just spent hours going around town searching every store that could possibly have it and found nothing.

@Blizzard if you’re going to release a book early in person, actually make sure it’s available. I don’t live in the middle of nowhere, I live in a fairly large college town and it’s nowhere to be found

Has anyone actually gotten their hands on it? I checked B&N and none of their stores within 100 miles has it. It is still listed as a preorder.

I live in a major metropolitan city.

I went to check yesterday and B and N and its listed for the 24th for them so they didn’t have any copies.

Loved this short story :slight_smile: I wasn’t expecting them to become a couple in the Rowe book because it seemed Flynn had a thing for Taelia, but these two make a great couple. And I’m glad we get to learn more about Shaw finally.

Don Adams, one of the writers who worked on Flynn for BfA, said on Twitter that Flynn was always intended to be bi.

And yeah, I’m really enjoying Shaw & Fairwind: they’ve both had pretty rough lives, so I’m hoping they can find some happiness and peace with each other (even if this is WoW, where “happily ever after” isn’t really a thing).

EDIT: and if that means we get to see more of Flynn in-game, well, that’s pretty cool too! :slight_smile:


This. This is why this story convinced me to order the book, even though I don’t buy physical books these days – only digital.

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I’m not a fan of romance in my WoW. Outside of that it was pretty good.