Warbank being used by another member of warband

but it’s not, so why is it unusable?

and why can’t i mail gold and bags to my alts on the same server?

Warbank is disabled until further notice.

thank you, didnt see that.

any idea why i can’t mail stuff to alts?

You can, unless they are on other servers.
Nothing got merged but it’s difficult now to see what server each one is on so you just have to know what was there last week.

That I’m not sure about. I haven’t tried to mail anything yet. Hopefully someone else has some insight.

If you want to follow the blue post to see if they ever enable the Warbank, this is the post:

Everything is acting goofy now so I decided to wait til it’s all worked out before I even bother to mail anything.

thank, yah i can’t mail anything to any of my alts on the same server

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Remixers also can’t be sent mail until that mode ends.

Yeah, I could then I couldn’t over the last couple days so I just gave up.

Also, if you do the weekly quest where it says you get champion gear, you have a good chance at not getting the champion gear.
I didn’t as others also didn’t.

It’s a mess.