Warbands had me excited

But seeing certain things still remain character specific has me flabbergasted.

What’s the point? What’s the reasoning? There’s titles I have on characters I haven’t touched in 18 years. I shouldn’t be punished because I don’t main those characters anymore. I may not like the class but I still love the titles and want to show them off proudly.

I’ve been sitting by hoping and praying one day this would change and the announcement of warbands had me almost in tears and then you state that the titles and achievements specific to what I wanted account wide wouldn’t be.

Why? As a 40 something year old broken man, I ask you, just why?


I may be wrong, but I swear they said it was going to start with TWW and Dragonflight and slowly work its way back through earlier expansions. If that is the case, then it may take some time to implement.


You are correct, they did say that but I think it was reputations. Here’s the article: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24061008/the-war-within-warbands-preview

What titles?

Warbands just make titles granted from achievements all account wide.


They did . It’ll probably be a while until older expansions get “war banded” :slight_smile:

The ones specifically that I care about are the vanilla honor ranking titles.

Technically they are account wide in TWW if you get them through RBG’s.

I am able to use them on my alts.

What was the highest ranking honor title you got back in Vanilla?

Yea, I know the RBG ones will be or were gonna be. I was hoping the vanilla ones would be as well, but I fear they might be bunched up in the group of achievements they’re keeping character specific like the gladiator titles will be. I hope not, but I fear they will be. I was fortunate enough to reach grand marshal in the nick of time, prior to that system being removed.

All currencies, reps, titles and achievements should be account wide.
It’s the player earning them, not the character.
Didn’t a Blizzard Dev once say “Bring the player, not the class”? Same idea.
Honor the players time.



They released a statement regarding Warbands implementation next week:

It looks like they are introducing Warbands functionality in stages. It hasn’t launched for the current servers but they will launch it June 17th with the rest of the Warbands content.

Edit: I might have misunderstood the purpose of that post. It might be explaining PTR launching, which for some reason might be different than “The War Within Beta.” I do not believe this to be true though as having multiple War Within Beta game launcher options would get confusing. Regardless of whether I’m right or not however, the WoW devs look like they are anticipating combining achievement rewards and progress with this next big patch so my original point remains valid!

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