Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor

I completed the quest that supposedly awarded the Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor but I can’t find it. In the Beta it went onto your action bars but it’s not there nor is it in my bags.

This may be related to the Warband bank being closed to fix a bug, as stated in a blue post.

Check again after they re-open the Warband bank.


It should be in your spellbook under General if it is not on your action bars. But we can’t access the warbank anyway.


On the main character you unlocked it with it might not show in its spellbook, once they fix the bank access all that should resolve itself.

As soon as I switched to each of my alts, it said that they had learned the spell but only 2 of them had it placed on their action bars. Maybe it was a problem because I didn’t have space on my action bars?

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You can open it by typing “/cast Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor” or whatever it’s called and when you click it it shows you some message that the warbank is open by another character.

check your spellbook , it will be a bright purple swirly icon.


You’re right, for the characters that didn’t appear to receive it, it was in their spell book.

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Mine was added to the first open spot on my action bars.

It’s a straight spell you learn now, not a toy like it was a while ago in beta.

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So I have this fun situation on my main - the character that I completed the quest with and got the Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor skill. I don’t have the skill in my spellbook on this one character only. I had it in the spellbook the first day of the new patch, but after maintenance the next day, it’s missing. Literally all of my other characters have the skill. Also, I tried /cast Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor - but it didn’t work. It does on all of my alts who have the skill in the spellbooks, however.

Has anyone else run into this? I hope it resolves when they enable the warbound bank, but I’m nervous that it won’t.

The spell “Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor” is on my General tab in my toons’ Spellbooks. :woman_shrugging:

It works to bring up the (currently “inhibited”) warband bank for me.