War within metacritic reviews

I don’t really care about “critic’s opinions”
Have you seen rotton tomatoes? Those who critique stuff today are so detached from the publics real views it’s hilarious.

I play the game for myself, not because of others opinions on it. Haters gonna hate.

The expansion is buggier than WoD, but that is more of symptom of a rushed beta period and a way-earlier release than other expansions.

Now if you ignore all the bugs and ridiculous tuning problems this expansions is actually pretty good.

They didn’t bring anything really new they could mess up terribly like covenants so this expansion is just “More of the same”, which is a good thing.

In short, Blizzard didn’t try to re-create the wheel and thus managed to not screw up the entire game.

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No, no it really wasn’t. You’re memory holing a lot of WoD’s issues at launch if you think this expansion was worse.

WoD’s launch issues were so bad the BBC covered it, and you know things are BAD when the BBC is writing an article about how badly you screwed up.

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Uh, no, it’s straight up naivety lol. Just because YOU believe youre talking about reality, doesn’t mean you are. You’re talking about an image of what you have of the reality, not what the reality is…which is that they absolutely pay for reviews, and have for a long time.

You keep calling this st a massive scandal, yada yada yada, bro, our country has had massively bigger scandals that just got swept under the rug and you think anyone is gonna give a fk about paying for reviews? come on now, you f****n child. Grow up. Our entire society is built around capitalism and being corrupt, I mean look at all the s**t in the news that these game companies have been doing to their employees (now THOSE were scandals, and look how quickly they disappeared from the news), and you think there would be some cry of war over paid reviews?

Thats why I called you naive, you simplistic child. You chose 5 scores out of how many THOUSANDS to try and use as your point? come on now, how old are you?

No I am literally talking about reality.

Again, if this was happening. Why has there NEVER been a single credible source talking about it? It’s been decades since that argument was first made by disgruntled gamers, where’s the hard evidence proving it? Where’s the dozens of articles highlighting the scandal (because it would be a scandal, a big one) and exposing it to the world?

They don’t exist.

And if you don’t think people would jump on it to report it, I’ll remind you that the mere ‘hint’ that someone ‘might’ have exchanged sexual favours for positive press (which turned out to be complete BS as well) started the first Gamergate movement, which threw the entire online gaming community into crazytown for years and it was talked about everywhere.

So if even the ‘hint’ of a scandal, which ended up being fake, created THAT much chaos, what do you think credible evidence of game publishers paying off reviewers would cause, considering how illegal that is?

You have NOTHING to back up your claims, absolutely nothing. All you have is your personal belief, which is based on lies that you’ve been fed, and you continue to believe it because you refuse to accept anything different.

Wild, because that’s exactly what I said about you…it’s almost like you went “no, u”

I don’t have to prove anything. The burden of proof is on you.

The onus is on you lot who are making the accusation. You’re making the accusation that reviewers are getting paid off, so you’re the one who has to back up that claim with evidence. Literally anything that proves your case would work. I won’t hold my breath while you try to find something because you won’t find anything.

Again, it’s been decades. We went through the entire ‘Gamergate Frenzy’ over the mere hint that someone might have used sexual favours to get positive press, which turned out to be nothing but BS.

That’s not what proving a negative means, my guy. Proving a negative in this context doesn’t apply to either of us, because both could easily be proven lol. And you hiding behind that is…sus. Wouldn’t it be super easy to prove? Because that’s exactly how you’ve been making it sound.

Also, what is your fascination with gamergate when there’s a billion better examples of s**t where it did happen, and then no one cared after a month or two?

I think your writing has tricked me into thinking youre smarter than you are.

And every time Blizz makes a social post there are 50% of the replies saying the game is dead and that they hadn’t played in years yet still feel like they just gotta comment. Some people can’t accept others liking things they don’t.

More evidence of same.

You can’t be bothered by this because some people just want to see everything burn. Nothing is like it was twenty years ago well boo hoo you’ve become an adult. They just need to step out of their 12 year old mind.

I don’t put too much credence in reviews. Whether it be music, restaurants, music, games, products, whatever, tastes vary. For everything I like, I can find a review to the contrary. Likewise, for everything I don’t enjoy, there will be glowing reviews.

The worst is when people will choose to align with reviews because it’s the “popular” thing to do. This could be denying they enjoy something the masses deem “bad” or the opposite.

I enjoyed playing WOD and still return sometimes. Similarly, I just couldn’t get into Shadowlands.

Point is, you do what makes you happy and your game experience (and life in general) will be a lot better than if you choose to hivemind and follow the cool kids.

I perused through and at a glance the “0” reviews seemed to hit a few topics: Earthen, “wokeness”, and the story.

I’m really enjoying TWW and there are some genuine criticisms to be made (as with anything), but alot of the just straight up zero ones seem to be a bit… unhinged.

I see this everywhere these days. I have seen people call a movie a flop that makes 1-2 billion dollars just because they didn’t like it.

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Whenever someone says ‘wokeness’ as a criticism I immediately roll by eyes because honestly? Folks saying that have twisted it so far beyond its initial meaning to the point where it’s now ‘anything I don’t like is woke’ which is not what woke means.


Yeah, one of the more hyperbolic ones I saw was about how Khadgar in a wheelchair is “woke”. Just stuff that makes you scratch your head.

My cousin said they wouldn’t see Dune because of woke casting. I immediately asked, “The white savior movie based on a book from the 70s is woke?” lol.

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Huh, I didn’t even realize Dune was “woke” lol. Hammers and nails and all that.

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