War Within & dynamic flying - an old lady's perspective

just wait until they remake that show, you know its coming, they already remade its partner on the night they showed,lol

Class fantasy should be top priority and I agree.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Well as a hunter, with a scoped weapon I should be able to stand 1000 yards away and you know do a head shot for 100% of any targets health and kill them in 1 shot, because you know, Class Fantasy.

I have at least another decade on you Veelhaeyn :wink: I’ve also been playing WOW for 18 years, and I can tell you with all sincerity that I am sick and tired of the Developers BS surrounding “static flying”.

Time, and time, and time again I’ve done their stupid “Pathfinder” in order to re-learn flying in each expansion. Now that I know its a development CHOICE to restrict flying and make us jump thru hoops like monkeys just to “earn” this vital skill that the game is designed AROUND, I am good and disgusted with their cruelty towards the players.

I will no longer purchase another expansion UNLESS “static flying” is available on day one! No BS “pathfinders” anymore! Just make static flying available to all players on day one, or if they need to be petty make us BUY flying on day one for like 20 gold. I’m beyond sick and tired of their cheesy tactics. :angry:

I just thought of an analogy :

The nonsense around statice flying is like as if - someone breaks into your apartment and steels your TV. Then, they show up a few months latter to return it but ONLY if you give them $200, and clean their car with your toothbrush. Like WHAT HECK?!?!? :astonished:


They do it is called PVP and Marks is completely broken in most PVP formats.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

I did what wowhead said to get that toy but didn’t receive one. This main may have skipped ahead tho. So I sent an alt on that route and still no toy.

I don’t know, that toy is only good for 10min so kinda useless. I’ll forget to renew that while fishing and end up in the lava again. =P

This is why when box sales are soft again they will cave.

TWW box sales must not be doing good because even with the offer of beta they are not bragging about it right now.

In theory we should hear about TWW beta and expansion in a month or two. If not then TWW has bigger problems. But forcing gating of TBC flying is just another pointless restriction when there are bigger issues to resolve.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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Seems stupid to me that you have to finish the game just to use normal flying.
If they want people to finish the game, make it engaging instead of locking essentially QoL behind it.

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It’s completely stupid that static flight isn’t just available from day one as well, not only is it stupid it’s just unfair.

It’s an option, what other players do should never affect you or anyone else. Since I know people here still like to say what others should or should not do for some odd reason. It’s fine if you like dynamic flight, not everyone does and some people really cannot handle it and shouldn’t be forced to not play their favorite game. Just let both be usable on day one, it’s optional. End of.


I think the elephant in the room here is that regular flying is actually superior for pin pointing and accessing quest objectives, rares, treasures, gathering nodes, cave entrances, what have you, while with dynamic flight you just zoomie zoom fruitlessly past all that… its actually only better for covering a lot of ground very quickly. And it’s fun!

But ultimately, they prefer we struggle either on foot, or in the air, but ultimately, that we struggle with the zone design for a little while, to drag out the initial level through and slow down our resource acquisition.

There are much better ways to approach player engagement however rather than making the navigation of the environment more frustrating and I think a top tier gaming company like Blizz absolutely can and should do better.


They have limited mind set to make world content awesome and only see throttling as the only way.

The MAW is a good example of this.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Nearly 50 is old? I’m 60 and I love dynamic flying. The speed is awesome and fun. I do swap to regular flying for gathering but only because the constant up and down would blow through vigor too fast.

Thank you for acknowledging this, I don’t feel so alone anymore. In my opinion, it’s abusive and insulting for them to withhold an essential game component (old flying) behind pointless busywork each expansion - a classic example of poor game design.


As a hunter, i agree, but have you ever seen medieval glass? Its barely see thru. Our scopes just arent good!

They are trying to gauge interest between DR and TBC normal flying by segregating the two again. Truth be told at this point people are not going to magically change their minds. This is because for many people they simply can not use DR.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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Love how this so called huge topic that would explode when Alpha went live, actual has just went silent. Guess its not as huge as some my think it is.

Naw, it’s been done so many times nobody can be riled up anymore. At one time there really was a big difference, now accessibility is handled, choices are up to the user, you have a 5 second toggle, no 15 renown pathfinder, 400 shared mounts, and basically a difference of just a few hours of gameplay in the main quest to open it all up.

There just isn’t much here anymore.

I’m sure a few dead-enders think there’s an argument to be had still, but the insufferable streamers with their alpha access are all going to be singing the praises of dragonriding for weeks still.

There’s literally no reason to gate static flight behind leveling, questing, or anything else as long as dynamic is available out of the gate. And I’m a diehard dragonriding enthusiast.


This is honestly the worst take. As if static flying is “really flying” when there’s zero momentum and you just sort of swim through the air as if you’re playing a game with noclipping turned on.

Dynamic flying is objectively more “real flying” than static. I can understand that maybe some people prefer static but trying to make some kind of claim that dynamic flight isn’t “real flying” and that it isn’t, for the VAST majority, an enormous quality of life increase.

EDIT: In saying this, I see no logical reason to gatekeep static flying if dynamic is available from the offset. The only advantage dynamic had in that regard was that the bots hadn’t initially figured it out, but now they clearly have so it’s irrelevant. Let people use whichever they prefer.