War Within & dynamic flying - an old lady's perspective

You are reasonable. Indeed that is what people are asking!

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


Got to love these flying post about every other month that pop up. Its like clock work.

You will see more with TWW beta since this time around more people will be invited.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

Stopped reading when.yiy said nearly 60 was old and then doubled down on ancient.


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There’s no reason Blizz can’t enable both forms of flight at the start of TWW. There’s also no reason Blizz can’t set a toggle between the two forms. This is Blizz digging their heels in, because there’s a percentage of the playerbase that does not like being forced into dynamic flight.


50 is not old, not now days.

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There is always a % of players that do not like playing a part of the game that however they pretty much have to because its just the way its designed to be done. That is nothing new.

Right, but more options for players is always a good thing. Blizz needs to learn this concept.


You are never going to find absolutely every single option in a game open to the player, no matter what game you play. You learn to deal with it in life period. Video games are not Burger King.

Again, right. I don’t want every single option. Blizz has shown that they can enable both forms of flying, so they should. Also, Blizz is all about class fantasy, yet they took my flight form away for a majority of DF.


If it were up to me you’d all have to fight and beat the Elden Ring first boss, Margot! And do it with no more than a +2 weapon and barely leveled!

Only then can you earn dynamic flying and rise to greatness.

Anyway, I think they’ll continue to monitor accessibility features for dynamic flying and help improve its ease of use options for those that need help. Static flying is said to be available after completing the story I believe in War Within as well.

If anything it should be reversed. There is a lot more benefit and convenience from dynamic flight than static flight. Move dynamic flight to pathfinder and just allow normal fight from day one. If it’s such an upgrade then that’s how it should be.


Get bent, punk kid.

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That makes logical sense.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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Fifty is NOT an old lady LOL.

Yeah, just gonna stop you here, It does NOT matter what they promise at blizzcon, they break those promises often.



They break promises within a week easy.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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Just get the reuseable toy that is for “Lava Swimming” it prevents damage when in lava, pretty useful actually.

Yeah that is a young middle age.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

i mean when people live to be 111-114, 50 just seems a bit young. Speaking of living into 100s imagine if world leaders decided to run at 100+ :smiley:

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