War Within Content that is Now Available and Coming Tomorrow

Why are earthen campaign quest not showing up and why is all the prepatch gear missing from peoples banks


You don’t get knowledge directly from that, I’m talking about the weekly quests

Cause this is what Blizz does; Timegate stuff.

Someone help me out here…but I swore I read or saw that The Earthen would be released on release day not timegated to be a week later. I could easily be wrong.


Will the Dragonflight gladiator ensembles become available tomorrow as well, or do we have to wait until TWW Season 1 or even later? I wasn’t able to finish my S3/4 shaman set, and there are so many other classes’ sets I’d love to finally get too.

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You do get knowledge from that. It is the knowledge catch-up system.

I’ll believe it when I see it, cause knowledge has never had catchup

And we’re off!

Okay? Crafting also never had npc work orders.

They described the system in detail.

The only knowledge we had access to during EA was the one time knowledge points you still have access to.

O.o oh please no. :grimacing:
I spent a huge chunk of the 180k radiant memories buying up rings and cloaks and neck pieces for characters i wanted to try out later in the expansion so theyd have at least a few items at 480.
I will be rather distraught if they have been deleted from my warbank.


When does the rest of the main story unlock? I was able to play 2 chapters with the “official” launch time, but now I’m stuck waiting for alleria again.

Can’t play earthen for a week, meaning I’ll be a week behind if there isn’t catchup


It’s remarkable how so many people who can’t read are angry at blizzard for not having earthen when it specially stated they would have to be unlocked. Amazing. Simply amazing

So play something else and quit whining. Christ.


Unlocking isnt a problem, I leveled a character to unlock them, it’s the time gate that’s the problem

Not going to play something for a week that I have no intent in playing


Yes, unlocked on global release

Today is global release

Edit: exact wording was they would be “playable” on 8/26


Well sucks to be you then I guess

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When can we level Brann past lvl15, it’s still locked?

I honestly only needed the profession Weeklies and Heroic dungeons at this point.

Yes, it does, blizzard had an easy win, just don’t time gate it, that failed at even something so simple

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