WAR on Alliance!

All you guys are doing is just fueling this moron lol and keeping his post at the top. Just let it die and move on. I love pvp and rp, I love pvp when it has rp implications but with WM and all that this guy will lose his will to fight through war of attrition, and boredom cause no one will play into his little game.

Stop giving him what he wants and all these post all your doing is fueling him lol.


where in this thread is that


i’m in love with you

Bold of you to assume that the guy basically monologuing to the room needs any help keeping this dumpster fire afloat.

Feed me MORE! Nom nom nom. You all are delicious :wink:

See? You gave him a new plan of attack.

Does that plan include bravely running away after being wiped?

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whoops not the right link but instead of fixing it i’ll just delete it

I declare war on the Alliance!
War against the Horde,
I declare war on leveling players,
War just because I’m bored!

I declare war on every faction!
War against Old Gods,
I declare war on the Loa,
And the Light’s Holy frauds!

Get stalty just for me!

I delcare war on the Cenarian Circle
All out war against Elune
I declare war on so called 4th War
And people calling their characters “toons.”

War on the forums!
Quitters and haters,
War on the complainers,
Elite roleplayers!

Stay salty just for me!

[Obligatory Saurfang quote about honor]



Duel me coward

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He’s actually the forewarning of something that should be interesting (Alliance as the story aggressor) being terrible (how it’s executed)

thanks i’ve been eating more fruit just for you


Oh my god. I was not prepared to read that this morning HAHAHAHAHAHA


would you like an invite to our wedding


Illidan was right.

I was not prepared.

As Emerald Dream’s official representative (Scabber #1 btw), I would like to apologize for the actions of our kids table guild, otherwise known as Terran Empire or, to most, “literally who? That guild that keeps spam inviting my alts?”

We don’t roll with multiboxers on ED, and as a result our outcasts have apparently started seeking attention cross-realm. Sad!


You can apologize to each player who was affected by it, one by one.

shut up, elf

Sorry I can’t hear,you are too short. Up there its hard to hear.

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how do you even know that when your video settings are so low