<War Front> - Thrall [H] (4/8M) Thurs 8:00-10:30 / Sun 7:00-11:00 EST

Searching for healers especially, get in here!


Looking for heals! Raid opens in four days! Let’s goooooo!!!

In search of a Resto Shaman, a Havoc DH, and some ranged DPS! Hook it up!

In search of a Resto Shaman, a Havoc DH, and some ranged DPS! Hook it up!

Coming down to a few days to raid now, and we’re in search of 2-3 members so we’ve got some overage. Predominantly need a DH, ranged DPS, and a resto shaman. RAID DAY SOOOOON!!!

Thorenzia I added you on discord. Returning player with former Mythic and AOTC experience. Just came in late and to the expansion but looking for a solid guild. I took a break for most of BFA due to traveling overseas. I have mained a warlock. Let me know if you still need roster slots as I’m still leveling. Discord Keglock#4391

Awesome, saw your friend request, I’ll shoot you a message!

Still in search of some ranged DPS, a resto shaman, and a DH!

Still in search of some ranged DPS, a resto shaman, and DH! Raid’s coming up fast!

Bump! Recruitment has been going very well but we still need a few to round out our roster!

Bump! Raid opens in TWO DAYS!!! Why aren’t you raiding?! Resto Shaman, Holy Paladin, Priest, DH, Ranged DPS! Let’s go!!

Shameless bump. Castle Nath imminent!

Filling up! Still room for a couple ranged DPS and a DH!!

Just in the market for some ranged DPS now!

Still in the market for ranged DPS!

It’s raid day!!! We’re raiding tonight, are you?

Looking for ranged DPS, especially a Shadow Priest and Warlock!

Only a few hours until raid time, we’ve got room for more ranged DPS! PM me at Colubrid#1707!!

Very fun first night of raid, and we’re still in search of more ranged DPS and a Resto Shaman!

Interested in a Resto/Ele shaman or Shadow priest?

Still looking for a shadow priest? Here’s my armory https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/gurubashi/loopingpoop