Wanting to be hated

From fairytales from France, Germany, and England.

Mesoamerican is just as diverse as Europe. The Zandalari aren’t specifically the Mayans in much the same way Stormwindians aren’t specifically French. But the cultural influence could not be more obvious.


I’m literally flabbergasted by you NEPs

  • yesterday argued that GREECE isn’t EUROPE
  • now arguing STORMWIND KNIGHTS aren’t based in EUROPEAN KNIGHTS

To be fair, I think she’s asking which part of Europe you’re referring too. Because almost all medieval countries had their own armor. There really wasn’t a universal standard. So when someone says its European, that’s great, but where in Europe? Europe is more than just Britain, Greece and Germany

Many cultures around the world had knights.

Not necessarily, but sure, Trolls are one of the more fleshed-out races in WoW, and probably take more form the culture of their influence than others. Which I did say in my original reply to you.

But you didn’t say that. You said races in WoW -WERE- the irl cultures you associate them with.

I seriously doubt you have tusks.

Same to what? Italian Armor? English? Slavic? The armor in WoW doesn’t seem to resemble any historical armor as far as I can tell. Hell, most of it wouldn’t even be functional irl.

Oh yeah? Well even those can be pretty diverse. Which Fairytale King is Anduin and what is the cultural significance?

No, I argued that Turkey isn’t Europe. Because it isn’t.


Well, I think I’m done with this thread


Because they’re in-game representations! Meaning every expansion we kill more Trolls I feel a certain way! Because Indigenous, Black, and Latin American peoples are always shown dying in media! It’s tiring!

You are so stupid, it’s literally the go to armor style of the “Holy Roman Emperors” for centuries, you are so completely ignorant of history


You are so insanely degenerate and stupid, I’m done with you

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Again; no one is saying they’re one for one recreations.

Stormwind’s design reminds me most of the popular American visual conception of fairytale kingdoms; which is to say Disney’s version of them.

But where did those fairytales come from? Cinderelle and Snow White are German, Beauty and the Beast is French, Sleeping Beauty is English and so on and so on.


hugs Deep breaths hun. Some things aren’t worth getting worked up over.


Horde players want to be the X-men. Hated for their differences, and having to fight for the right to exist. I see the appeal, and acknowledge that there should be elements of it. But it shouldn’t be the core of the faction’s story. Maybe that’s not what people are saying, but I don’t know. I think the horde community/story is too defined by what the alliance thinks of it.

I’d rather the horde be better heroes.


It is not.

Yes yes, straw man.

No no, ad hominem.

Are they?

I mean, I understand not enjoying your favorite race getting killed. Hell, I identify with Night Elves to some degree, especially given the neopagan influences. But Night Elves aren’t my ancestors. It’s a fake race and a fake culture. They draw from real world cultures, but they aren’t that culture.

Now, I am not saying Trolls should continue being the lambs to the slaughter they have been the last several years. I am not saying you don’t have a right to be upset with their portrayal. I am not saying you shouldn’t feel an attachment to Trolls because they draw inspiration from your own culture.

I am just saying it’s problematic to equate them with a real life cultural identity.

Man, I would love to have an armor set that looks like that. To bad it doesn’t exist in-game.

Baalsamael did.

Well, that sounds like a -you- problem. That armor is not European. Or anything else about it, for that matter.

Where in WoW can we find Cinderelle, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, and SLeeping Beauty?

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Could you stop being so deliberately obtuse? I’m getting second hand embarrassment here. I think we’ve all doubled down on bad opinions before but it’s like I’m telling you Star Wars was inspired by Flash Gordon and you’re going

“Well Flash Gordon’s not in Star Wars so how could that be possible?”



Because if they’re in-game representations USING MY CULTURE then Blizzard should write them with dignity.

You’re insane, ignorant, and completely lacking in any knowledge of history, just reminding you again by the way.


I’m telling you the NEPs have Brain Worms. It’s literal madness.


So, since you’re way smarter than me in this department, going by her logic, we shouldn’t consider the gilneans to be European/British because blizz drew on early industrial revolution and Celtic/Pagan metaphors right?

And with the trolls drawing on real life vodoo/lwa and Bwomsamdi, who is a real life Haitian god and somehow they don’t draw inspiration from all that?

Is that what I’m getting out of this, or am I missing something?


Yes apparently none of the in-game races are based on anything at all and aren’t representing anything and we shouldn’t care about the meta narrative because it isn’t real and doesn’t have implications and parallels for real world cultures or historical narratives.

Oh and Greece isn’t Europe, Stormwind isn’t based on Medieval Europe, Tauren aren’t North Amerindigenous, but Trolls are South Amerindigenous, Caribbean, and African, but who cares


I can understand why you’re getting fed up/angry now. Realizing or not, she’s basically saying we shouldn’t care or feel attached to a certain race/faction due to real life cultural inspirations because it’s all make believe.

Anyone with half a brain cell, knows nothing is going to be 100% perfect nor a exact copy, it’s why it’s called drawing inspiration from certain things for a reason


I’m not… If the best you can do is “Well, this reminds me of that.”

Then maybe you havn’t put as much thought into this as you need to.

But they are not representations. Trolls are not your emissaries to the WoW universe. They are a fake race with a fake culture that is heavily inspired from real world cultures.

It is a creation that belongs to Blizzard, and if you are not a fan of that creation, then don’t consume it.

Furthermore, what would be your idea of a dignified portrayal? If anything remotely resembles a real world cultures in a piece of media, are they suddenly off-limits to tragedy in the narrative?

You’re the one who wants to say Tauren are North American indigenous, when they are little more than some white Instagram model appropriating the culture. Why any Indigenous person would feel an attachment to that is beyond me, but it is also not my concern what people want to feel attached to.