Wanting to be hated

The Orcs wear operatic Viking helmets and Bloodaxe and Blacktooth are names of Danish Viking Kings.

I don’t think that was intentional. Because I think the Orcs were designed by computer dorks using their vague memory of historical tough guys. Not anthropologists or historians. Hence why also some guys have giant katanas and others are pirates.

But yeah I’m much more reminded of the Battle of Teutoberg than I am say the Siege of Baghdad in regards to the Orcs. Guess it’s cringe to read about more than one culture.


Probably not; we get way more believably-Viking/Nordic culture from, say, the vrykul in Wrath of the Lich King and Legion.

Well that was obviously intentional. And always weird. I know Blizz always pulls stuff out of their butt, but

“Oh yeah there’s giant vikings. Nobody ever mentioned this because we thought they left. Anyway they’re here now”.

Imagine me wondering how you could completely miss the point I was making in response to the post I was responding to…you daft or you just doing this to pick a fight?

Pretty sure the Narrator in question is sort of portraying a “Biased Telling” from the perspective of the Race in question, but also from a 3rd person PoV.

So, everything he says IS Right but also extremely Biased, both from a particular Point of View. And that View is suppose to be the Player’s, whom the story is being told.

I was agreeing with you…?

Please turn down the hostility.

Well your post didn’t come off that way. Sorry if you were agreeing though :pancakes:

At the start of the story she did almost break a fight out between the leaders atop Icecrown.

Calia- “The kaldorei need you if they are to have any hope of finding peace, High Priestess.”

Tyrande- “You dare speak to me of peace? After the atrocities your kind inflicted?!”

She doesn’t exactly sound interested in peace and nearly started another war but was talked down by Bolvar.

Edit: I’d also like to point out that the “your kind” comment is racist. Calia isn’t the same as the Forsaken. She is as much their “kind” as Bolvar.

I agree and never claimed that the Alliance should be villainized. As a primarily Horde player I know it sucks to be the villain (again and again) when your faction’s identity was built on redemption and perseverance in a hostile world. I don’t want any other players to have to deal with that.


See? More hostility.

You were calling Dokarm “ignorant of European culture/history” because he/she referred to Benedikt’s long comment on European history as “cringe.”

I followed up with the statement that Warcraft’s races were all based on real-life cultures.

If you’re really getting offended when people actually agree with you because you think you’re being insulted, you need to grow some thicker skin.

It’s fine, let’s just…forget it and move on.

I’m keeping the pancakes, though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Fair enough. On both accounts :gift_heart:

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Oh, I get “Love is in the Air” chocolates, too? :smiley:

All of the races and cultures in WoW are like someone took a bunch of Anthropology books, put them through a paper shredder and then tried to piece together a workable facsimile from the scraps… with their eyes closed.

Any ACTUAL similarities between races of Races in Wow and Peoples in RL is mostly coincidental.

Maybe. If you continue to behave than yes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I mean…I don’t know if I’d call them coincidental. They’re clearly intended to be based on RL cultures for the purposes of world-building—things like Celtic/nature worship influencing the Kaldorei or the dwarves being based off of Scots is pretty clear evidence of that.

You can certainly approve/disapprove of that, but the influences do seem pretty deliberate.


If by “ignorant of European history” you mean I have a bachelors in the subject, then yes. Read Commentarii de Bello Gallico.

Cringe intensifies


They are all based on cartoonish, vulgar, boorish representations like a funhouse mirror or a 19th century racist caricature.

Most people would consider that sort of thing deeply insulting.

I find any such representation generally cringy and deeply disgusting. It is generally played deliberately in bad taste, I think.

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I misworded that. I meant to say any similaries between actual CULTURES, in the sense that it’s meant to represent a particular culture or group is not meant to be interpreted as them being from any particular group.

What are you even on about? The horned helmets were worn in operas about Viking myths. Common misconception is they actually wore them but obviously didn’t in reality. As a nice hat handle to yank your head around isn’t a good thing to thing to wear to battle.

You’d have a difficult time finding anyone that deeply insulted.

I mean, about as insulted as someone in the Honor’s seat of a Roast.

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The cartoonish depiction, no, generally not. Suggesting that real cultures are in any similar to their garish depiction, yes, probably.

I object to the latter. Mostly.

At least the game is in good fun, that style of commentary, no.

I beg to differ…