Wake up Sheeple - The Void Lords are controlling you


I can't be the only one to have seen the similarities. Can't find too much discussion on it though.

So if it wasn't clear I'm saying that while the Alliance symbol is clearly a Lion, I think the Horde symbol is a Void Lord.


Now I don't know enough to go into speculation about the ramifications of this. There is trouble differentiating between the sinister Void Lords that created the Old Gods, and the void lord blueberry warlock pets.

That said I can't help feel that Alliance are pitted against Horde again and it is coming down to a battle of Light vs Shadow.
Nah, that is just my pet - he likes to mess with people.
Hey now, leave my Blueberry alone damnit.
11/03/2018 08:11 PMPosted by Bretherezen
Hey now, leave my Blueberry alone damnit.
this, i love hiim
I mean sure, love your blueberry, but know that he is plotting your annihilation with all his blueby brothers.
Added more to the OP. I may have been too cryptic.

What do you think the Horde symbol is and what it means?
I thought years ago that we had determined that the horde symbol represented the seat of a toilet. The blob in the middle is one of those stubborn floaters.
11/03/2018 08:08 PMPosted by Demoniac

I can't be the only one to have seen the similarities. Can't find too much discussion on it though.

So if it wasn't clear I'm saying that while the Alliance symbol is clearly a Lion, I think the Horde symbol is a Void Lord.


Now I don't know enough to go into speculation about the ramifications of this. There is trouble differentiating between the sinister Void Lords that created the Old Gods, and the void lord blueberry warlock pets.

That said I can't help feel that Alliance are pitted against Horde again and it is coming down to a battle of Light vs Shadow.

considering the alliance accepts the void and the horde doesnt this makes no sense
11/06/2018 05:44 AMPosted by Worldwarkhan
considering the alliance accepts the void and the horde doesnt this makes no sense
Where is this coming from? Would like to read more about it.
11/03/2018 08:08 PMPosted by Demoniac

I can't be the only one to have seen the similarities. Can't find too much discussion on it though.

So if it wasn't clear I'm saying that while the Alliance symbol is clearly a Lion, I think the Horde symbol is a Void Lord.


Now I don't know enough to go into speculation about the ramifications of this. There is trouble differentiating between the sinister Void Lords that created the Old Gods, and the void lord blueberry warlock pets.

That said I can't help feel that Alliance are pitted against Horde again and it is coming down to a battle of Light vs Shadow.
the horde symbol is a draenor wolf.
There is a battle for my soul!! Do I kill the people my beautiful, loving, caressing, gentle Knifu is telling me to kill. Or do I kill the people the voices in my head are telling me to kill. Oh nevermind, I’ll kill them all.
11/06/2018 05:44 AMPosted by Worldwarkhan
considering the alliance accepts the void and the horde doesnt this makes no sense

You accept void users within the Horde, they are called warlocks and shadow priests. Both of which employee void magic but hey, that's cool right? Everyone makes the void out like they are so huge threat but come on. They were in a stalemate with the Legion and we just kicked the crap out of the Legion, invading their worlds to do so.

I am more concerned with a different "cosmic" energy on chart right now, that being "death/undead".
I don't see the big deal, the void lords are actually pretty cool guys once you get to know them. They will whisper useful tips to you and be the best friend you never knew was missing from your life. You will finally feel fulfilled and happy.

In fact, I recommend that all people try the void and accept our void lord and savior into their heart, mind, body, and soul.

This message has been brought to you by a perfectly independent individual who is in total control of their actions and is not being told to write this by the void lords right now.
11/06/2018 05:50 AMPosted by Setiosiris
the horde symbol is a draenor wolf.
You know this makes a lot of sense thematically. Just looking for a head on pic of the wolves to compare.
My void lord is to busy complaining about how he hates every place and how there are no void ladies ever around.
time to dust out my alex jones cosplay hat
11/06/2018 06:38 AMPosted by Tekbm
time to dust out my alex jones cosplay hat
Yes, well the difference is I know I'm being a little tongue in cheek.