No the people getting hit hardest are no life tryhards who are used to swapping gear, talents, azerite, corruptions, essences, spec, and anything else they can get their tryhardy fingers around on a whim.
These are the types who look down their snotty entitled noses on anyone else and deny them content for having the audacity to be wearing a “bad” piece of gear cause huehuehue everyone knows stat X is .00000000000001% better and only lametard scrubs would dare wear something bad and ohmygawd he picked that talent???
True casuals will pick what they like and try it out and if they dont like it, just change it next week. They wont make umpteen million threads or start stupid Twitter riots demanding access to change everything pull to pull.
Nah, they’ll all be using the cookie cutter set up to maximize their character. Three soulbinds so they will be fine. The casuals that want to fool around are the one’s going to be taking the biggest hit.
No such thing as denying content.
Most of the crying won’t start till it goes live. Month or two in and it’s really going to hit the fan.
No-life players are going to have multiple characters of the same class/spec. Then while you’re waiting a week they’ll be swapping over to that other character and getting the spots you could be getting.
Make up your mind. If waiting is not content, why are you against flying (per your post history)? Having no flying requires more usage of flight paths which is simply waiting to get somewhere. You advocate for things taking longer, then later say it isn’t content? Which side of the argument are you on? Or, do you just complain for the sake of complaining?
The challenge is more like: Can you enjoy the game when you sign up for M+ with your raid covenant and conduits and 20 other people of your same class/spec sign up with the correct M+ covenant and conduits?
My understanding is all of the builds with be viable, so all of them will be ‘correct’.
And yes, you are right, that too is going to be a challenge for some players who are used to picking-to-win. Will those players be able to have fun without that crutch?
I have a feeling players who value numbers over skill are not going to be amused.
No but it will be annoying if I just want to try different builds out. Sometimes its not about being 100% optimal is about annoyance. Azerite respecing costs? Annoying and basically a limiting factor if you didn’t want to spend thousands of gold. Imagine you get a new conduit you want to use but oh wait you have to wait a week to put it in because the filler ones you added made it have a week cooldown. You know what that is? Its frustating as hell. It doesn’t make it a meaningful choice it makes a choice with meaningful consequences. And idk about you but I don’t like getting punished for nothing.
Not how they currently are on the beta. Some classes have a covenant ability where you would actually never press the covenant ability on certain specs. Such as Necrolord Enhance.
I’d almost rather they be destroyed if it means you can swap more often than once a week. Once a week is super restrictive for absolutely no reason. Also, please explain how waiting is flavor or choice.
I don’t know why people bash your statement. You have a valid concern, your opinion matters too.
It’s a two way street, yet people who don’t do high M+ or Mythic raiding go crazy when you bring up concerns, yet somehow feel justified to say that “You can’t control how I play”