Wait a minute

you have half the people whining about releasing bgs early, but you have the other half whining about not releasing bgs early enough, Blizzard literally cant win lmfao. This is not Blizzards fault, its the community.


It’s Always been that way. That’s why retail is what it is. -Undead Rogue


It’s almost like different people want different things. It’s remarkable.


You need to understand the problem at a more granular level, and not lump 2 possible options against each other and conclude there can be no resolution. This is Problem Solving 101.

Releasing BGs early. A significant portion of the community are calling for BGs early not because they want BGs itself. They want it in response to a problem which is faction imbalance impacting their game experience from an MMORPG to a corpse camping simulator. Any other solution which resolves the game experience issue would be acceptable.

Not releasing BGs early. Another part of the community wants to enjoy the Classic experience as long as possible and not rush it along. There is a fear that at this rate, we’d be Naxx by Mar 2020 and everything will be bullet trained along. This compromises the time capsule that is Classic.

Can both get their way? Sure, but whatever you do there will be complaints. Keep this in mind. What you want to do avoid key pillars. One option : Rollback the Honor system and push BGs later to next year. Who will be upset? Well, the people who worked up loads of HKs will be less than pleased. And the people who enjoy camping FPs and mass slaughter of the opposing faction. I’m not saying that this is the solution, I’m just throwing an example in there walk you through.

This isn’t a community created problem.
It is a Blizzard implementation problem with Phase 2. With 15 yeas of experience. They dug this hole, they can get themselves out. The fact that they moved quickly with the announcement of BGs means they got hit in the Profit & Loss accounts with all the unsubs and Finance is more powerful than customer feedback will ever be.


I basically agree, but I don’t think the problem is purely faction-imbalance related, because even on relatively balanced servers there are still a lot of problems. Although that has a lot more to do with much larger population sizes, and just far more people PvP’ing because they want the 1.12 buffed version of the PvP gear.

On top of that, since people are much more familiar with the honor system than in 2005, they know that the best honor isn’t from TM vs SS battles, or level 60 raids duking it out. The best honor-per-hour is killing level 50’s and camping flight points. So anyone who seriously wants to rank isn’t actually pvp’ing, they are just griefing people 10 hours a day.

Forgive me for being unclear on this, wouldn’t BG be more efficient based on honor-per-hour as compared to camping FPs?

Subsequently, and this is a question to Blizzard, are players camping FPs of the opposing faction constantly a problem for the game in general? If yes, there are various measure that they can take to minimize it. If no, then players need to accept it is part of the game and perhaps Blizzard can help this along with some communication. It all lies in Blizzard’s interpretation of the problem.


Blizzard’s original timeline was BG’s at phase 3. Which means Blizzard is pushing out BG’s around two months earlier than expected. What do you think?

I am of the opinion that Blizzard knows it messed up with Phase 2 but cannot admit it publicly.

Rushing BG is no small matter. Such as action should be in response to a major incident, and this to me is the drop in subscriptions. In unverified data floating around the net, peak concurrent users on the Weds before and the Wed after the patch showed a drop of 30k.

30k is a very significant number, even more so when it is subscriptions (taking a worse case scenario, subscription drop should be a subset of this but we will never have the numbers) instead of one off products. It doesn’t matter what the content roadmap is or what the players think, at the end of the day financial rule all.

So they can’t implement a fix right away but are taking approach that an announcement that BGs being 3 weeks off will stem the tide of unsubs.

My 2 cents worth, not adjusted for inflation.


You are 100% correct.

I can’t agree more. They can’t end phase 2 right away, but if people didn’t think this would end any time soon far more people would quit. Another week without an announcement would have doomed most PvP servers.

This was the most warning Blizzard has given so far for anything they’ve done. They had to give people hope or half the players would have quit.

Or put simply, phase 2 sucks.

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Neither would have a legitimate gripe if:

  • Blizzard had suitably regulated faction balances
  • They would have stuck to the vanilla time-frame of the no BG honor period

It IS blizzard’s fault, but hey keep victim blaming. You do you, Boo.

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Honor per hour means considerably less when you have more seeking it out with a much more accessible avenue of obtaining it. Ranks are not just based on points, but rather COMPARISON of points between every player in a server faction.

Nothing about P2 is messed up. What is messed up, AGAIN, is the fact that they monumentally mishandled server startups and server transfers, they had the data in front of them as to what faction ratios were like, and yet they doubled down on it by ushering minority factions off of already unbalanced servers.

This all still stems from Blizzard not believing people actually want classic. Underestimating the number of people who genuinely wanted it all the way up to now with crowded servers.

Indeed. And it effected a number of server issues. Another being the fact that when they chose to hold off on adding more PVP servers at launch, RPPVP servers got a TON of overflow, consisting of non and anti-RP players.

A lot of things have been fat fingered fumbled by blizzard regarding the rollout, but the PVP that P2 promised was not one of them.

I’m definitely not disagreeing there. They totally screwed the pooch with server transfers. Stalaag, and several other realms, suffered royally due to their poor decision making. It’s still, at it’s core, Blizzard’s fault. I basically agree with everything you said in your previous posts.

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You will find no disagreement from me here, sir.

Phase 2 itself is and never was a problem. The problem statement is the way Phase 2 has been implemented which exacerbated and magnified existing problems (factions, servers).

Releasing BGs and (allegedly) implementing CRBGs is like filling a dent with Bondo rather than having the dent properly repaired. Imbalance will still exist on those servers, and the WPVP that remains will be WORSE for those attempting to level, as those who would have come to their aid in the past will be in BGs.

If by “the way it was implemented” you mean “way too early, and before realm faction disparity was dealt with”, I’m nodding with you all the way.

Your “half saying bg’s should be released now” should have rolled PVE :slight_smile: