I’m still ad free with YouTube on chrome, I seem to have 4 different adblockers, something is working.
did someone say broly?
I’ve found for whatever reason whenever they start a new round of this it doesn’t seem to affect everybody all at once.
I’m also running several adblockers and now the site wont even play videos, it just displays the message telling me to turn them off.
Seems to be working right now
what browser is this on. firefox seems fine. just opened a new tab and nothing so far.
Just pointing out that Google is Chrome and You-tube so your mileage is going to be worse on that browser.
Yay, tech showed up and is working on the burner, so hopefully we’ll have heat again today, especially as it’s only 31 outside. Good thing friend had knitted me some fingerless gloves, loads easier to work and type that way.
On another plus, my hunter managed to get the new Grunch pet AND the two new reindeer hunter pets, so something at least is positive today.
yeah you should switch to firefox. no ads here cause google cant touch it.
you might as well since by may 2025 they gonna update their browser so you basically can’t block most ads anymore. with the new chromium. i mean you can but the cap is so low…30k requests vs the old cap of what 300k? and all the other forks mostly use chromes architecture so require approval from google for their addons. firefox doesnt since its seperate architecture from chrome.
Problem is getting all my passwords, debit/credit card numbers, and everything else from one browser to the other. And favorites/bookmarks/history
The import feature is never good enough.
Switching browsers is a pain which is why I’ve stayed with Chrome, but Google is making it more trouble than it’s worth.
It just sucks that the only non Chromium option is Firefox. I guess Brave at least has a whole thing about their native adblocker, and it seems to work on YouTube for me right now.
yeah can bet you anything thats gonna stop next year during the chromium 3.0 update in spring. all addons based on chrome have to be approved by google.
Well I was able to fix it, at least for now, by going into uBlock Origin’s settings → Filter Lists and turning off uBlock Filters - Quick Fixes.
Better luck next time, Google.
Kinda stupid on their part as they’re probably losing more money driving people to Firefox than they’re losing from ad blockers.
and they still take money from adblockers advertising.
Bread im going to steal your cabbages
bring it on.
No, but I wouldn’t say no to a Hungr-Buster with cheese.
what about a royale with cheese?
I had to set my default search engine to Bing because I use a vpn and google just gives me captchas when I search for anything.