What about chunky vs chonky?
On the second day of waggle Christmas that the waggle lounge gave to me.
2 Dominos deep dish pizzas.
A Lovefool tied up under a pear tree.
You at least tied me up under the tree in bed, right?
Something tells me that it’s going to get pretty crazy by day 12…
Day twelve is when I wrap up the missus under the tree…
/Jots down on his Christmas wish list “Human or Night elf female tied up with gift wrapping”
I can hook you up with my adoptive daughter niece if that helps?
Chunky and hirsute human men have a reputation for keeping the draenei warm in winter.
Conversely, female draenei are bad for male human health.
They just need to work on their endurance.
Where did all the human potential go?
There was an ‘over-evaluation’ of that human potential by other races.
Point proven.
Q: How many humans does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Just one, to hold the bulb in place while Azeroth revolves around them.
what do draenei ships and meteors have incommon? they both crash into planets.
“Lousy Drivers.”
The draenei do like a few refreshments while flying…
I just ate two popping candy chocolate Freddo frogs, weird stuff is happening in my mouth.
Is it just me or did the text get smaller on the phone app?
I feel like I have to put the phone closer to my face then usual.
It’s just here I see the text smaller.