WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

huh. news to me. but as i said, i did’nt really play greasus much, i more play skragg.

greasus used to be op once, like he had the speed of flash before they changed it.

well, damn, i’m sorry :confused:

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Ciri being the main character is more or less what I expected from the moment they announced there would be another Witcher game.

Still, cool to see. Hope they can fix whatever gong show led to CP2077’s launch state.

What’s interesting is that clearly sometime between 3 and 4 she went through the Trial of the Grasses because she wasn’t a Witcher in 3.

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It also pretty much canonizes the ending where Ciri follows Geralt on the path.

For some reason I thought only men could become Witchers in lore, but a quick Google search suggests that was later changed.

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i saw this and i was freaken excited!

Tell yourself this mantra: 5 different topics per day, 20 posts per read. You have to read 500 diff topics in a 100 day period and 20k posts/comments.

I always try to pick up the early topic posts with 1 or 2 responses every morning so I keep the 500 count fresh. Otherwise that easily falls off if you just sit on megathreads.


a wild dragonite has appeared peoples.

Well The Game Awards made for an enjoyable show. It was fun watching the Half-Life fanbase bait themselves every time Goeff hyped up a trailer about a “legendary franchise” or “game we didn’t think possible”.

Was cool to see The Witcher 4, Long Dark 2, Outer Worlds 3 and getting a PC release date for FF7 Rebirth.

And is eaten by a Draenei!

Mmmm roast lizard with barbeque sauce…

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Let me get the blender out and make tomato puree :wink:

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