WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

one more i guess.

no, i knew you’d wear that hood, i saw you shopping for it!

Ok, so this is not waggle-worthy, but, boy howdy is it nice getting booked at a hotel with 65lbs db’s. This is such a night nighttime treat! :scream:


Maybe you can waggle while you lift :man_lifting_weights:


Oh yeah, I’m in one of my happy places. We can call it waggle, sure!


Endorphin russssshhhhh

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I need to start carving out more time to lift. Yoga and cardio aren’t doing it anymore in middle age. I bought bands for resistance training, but it feels meh.


Yeah, the feel of a loaded, warmed-up muscle, deep in an eccentric stretch (like the bottom of a pull-up, before I lock out), feels really satisfying. Doesn’t need to be heavy for, I don’t think, to get good connection and contraction.

I’ve even used backpack filled with random stuff when I couldn’t get to a gym - or asked on my progeny to get on my back and add some additional weight. Lol my son doesn’t understand this, and thinks I mean for him to “get on daddy’s back” (for transportation atop my shoulders). So he sits on my shoulders and it becomes a neck exercise too lol


Kiddo rucks! Yes.


Yes! I’d even put him on my back and do stairs, he’s such a good partner. So is my daughter.

Anyway, thank you for indulging the endorphin rush. Back to your real regularly scheduled broadcast


gus must be freed!


Did the evil overlords imprison your faithful hound ? :poodle:

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We have this ad on TV here with with a corgi sitting on someone’s legs and them lifting the corgi as an exercise.


i’m newer to yoga but it’s been really helping my body. i’m just now trying to
recover from tight muscles lately, might be bc i don’t usually stretch before working out
which is a huge mistake lol. i learned it before and fell off lol. just went and bought a foam roller too. doing yoga this month as a focus and hit the ground running next yr w/ cardio def, and some strength starting out since i haven’t done much weights this year. i also wanna be flexible more and i’m getting there.


urge to play Mass Effect rising

a man is standing next to another man in a gym talking to him .

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There were the parents as well, though they didn’t have that much of a part.

Good morning, Wagglers.

Frustrating game last night. Did Mycomancer’s with a friend to get the bonus xp for Brann.

Idiot stayed aggroed the entire time, so we couldn’t pick up any curios, even at the end. So a big waste of time trying to get him to stop.

Then tried sinkhole which was a slog. Got through it and the delver 3 achiev but it was not fun.

Made me grumpy at the game.



“I think they meant Main Characters.”

Well, there is that.

I need to watch that movie again. One of my all time favorites.

Got to see the puppets close up at a museum, long ago. That was so very very cool.

Without Henson and Frank Oz, they could not do a remake justice in my opinion. Hollywood has no talent or clue, so they just rehash stuff.

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