No, I’m pretty sure I did this on my own.
is this like a membership-based kinda location, or is it by ‘invite only?’
All that whipping got you motivated to progress with the body beautiful
Men only.
All races with fur have to sign a liability form before entering my spa, I also have a special liability form for undead to sign before entering my spa as well.
Don’t worry, the maggots occupying my undead corpse know how to swim
And no pets allowed, that counts warlock and death knight pets.
gods, nurgle must hate me
My first location is in Orgrimmar, my second location is in Valdrakken, my third location is in Silvermoon who wouldn’t let me do poop, but they did approve mud.
Prissy elves.
draenei following and kidnapping you… a nelf mistress with a dungeon for you…
what is going on in your crazy lil orc life lol. the alliance really have it for orcs lol.
Feed a cold, starve a fever.
/Gives chicken soup and whiskey.
whiskey will help, but its a chest cold
Keep hydrated, some dxm if you’re coughing.
I don’t know!
took a few warm showers, that helps too.
Would you like a shovel ?
hits with shovel