WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

KALI MAAAAAA! /10 chars

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My failure to understand references is why I can’t grasp C++ :thinking:

Is this a programmer pun?

You gonna be watching the new Dexter series Bore?

Starts in 12 days.

paladin is level 78.

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Referencing is a programming term

// C program to modify local variables of the caller
// function

#include <stdio.h>

// function to modify local var x
void fun(int* x) { 
   *x = 20;

int main()
	int x = 10;
	printf("New value of x is %d", x);
	return 0;

fun(&x) takes a reference to the variable x, allowing you to modify x directly. Now that examples not the best, because there’s no need to pass by reference there, but it becomes more important when working with objects. I dunno, it’s hard to explain without going into all the jargon.

but it’s also a topic that drives me nuts because it’s related to pointers

int x = 3
int *ptr = &x
//*ptr is a pointer to the memory address where x is stored in the stack

And C++ gets all sorts of convoluted at that point.

I still need to find a way to watch New Blood.

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I possess neither the intelligence nor aptitude for this so I leave you with this classic


This is one of those things I have to look up whenever it becomes relevant in my line of work… Which, thankfully, is not often.

I really hate pointer shenanigans.


Is your pallys name Holybread?

nope. breadstorm.

Dang, my gnome can’t get a break. Draenei literally just squished him.

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/Punts gnome into the nearest belf party barn…


Be nice to him, because I certainly haven’t.

What with all the neglect.

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Those saucy belf ladies with use him as a pillow, he may even enjoy himself.


Why does everyone want to squish him?


I don’t want to squish him I want to punt him, big difference.

Stop abusing him!

My faction checks out doesn’t it?

It’s what Horde does is punt gnomes for kicks and giggles.

That’s what gnomes are for.

That and stacking.